
Singapore diversifies strategic connections

By VNA / DA NANG Today
August 05, 2019, 10:38 [GMT+7]

Singapore must work hard to strengthen relations with all countries - not just the United States and China - amid growing trade tensions that threaten to divide the world, Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean has said.

Singaporean Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean (Source: straitstimes.com)
Singaporean Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean (Source: straitstimes.com)

Teo said that the building up of strong economic linkages is not just for commercial reasons, but to diversify the country’s strategic links and open up more options.

Like all small countries, Singapore will likely suffer from collateral damage and could also be drawn into conflicts that result from the diversion of trade, he said, adding that although some countries may benefit in the short run ... “all of us will be worse off in the long run”.

According to Teo, while Singapore hopes the US and China can build a constructive relationship, the issues will not be resolved easily.

He also outlined three goals for Singapore: to be a nation that progresses together; prepares for the future; and is internationally respected.

Singapore has turned into a modern metropolis by offering equal opportunities to all, with its people sharing the fruits of the nation's development, he said.

(Source: VNA)
