
COVID-19 control measures remain in Laos, Cambodia shuts down factories

By VNA / DA NANG Today
June 09, 2021, 09:06 [GMT+7]

Several regions of Laos are intensifying efforts to contain the COVID-19 outbreak though new infections were declining.

Illustrative photo (Source: VNA)
Illustrative photo (Source: VNA)

In Vientiane, the local Taskforce for COVID-19 Prevention and Control will continue to enforce controls until June 19 at least, and efforts are being stepped up to trace high-risk people and identify others who may have come into contact with infected people so they can be tested for the virus.

The closure of entertainment venues, tourist sites, massage parlours and spas, beauty salons, internet café, fitness centres, snooker clubs and indoor sports facilities will continue, while schools remain suspended, except for online classes.

Shopping centres and markets may open but must close by 10pm and comply with COVID-19 prevention measures. Restaurants and cafés outside of red zones can open for service as usual, while complying with virus prevention measures, but may not sell alcoholic beverages.

In Bokeo province, entertainment venues, tourist sites, massage parlours and spas, and internet cafés will remain closed until June 19, and travel between provinces and districts is restricted.

In Savannakhet province, travel is banned between 11pm and 4am, except for essential purposes. Boat travel on the Mekong is still banned and authorities will set up more checkpoints on roads linking to other provinces.

Laos reported two new cases of COVID-19 on June 8, bringing its national count to 1,970, including three deaths.

In Cambodia, nearly 20 factories in Preah Sihanouk and Svay Rieng provinces have temporarily suspended their operations after workers there tested positive for COVID-19.

In southern Preah Sihanouk province, Governor Kuoch Chamroeun advised all special economic zone owners have to maintain health and administrative measures as required by the authorities and the business owners must cooperate with the provincial administration working groups and local authorities to combat the pandemic.

He encouraged factories and enterprises to prepare accommodations for workers at the work sites along with vehicles to transport them safely so that they will not get in overcrowded vans together.

In western Svay Rieng province, Deputy Governor Ros Pharith said the COVID-19 resurgence began in March following the February 20 community outbreak with more than 400 cases found in workers so far, most of them worked at casinos.

The provincial administration has shut down those casinos temporarily until the outbreak can be brought under control.

The pandemic has spread to some factories in the special economic zone in the province. Five major factories and some portions of other factories have been suspended for a short time, he said.

Source: VNA
