Da Nang eyes new driving forces for development

Article No.1: Da Nang in need of new, special mechanisms

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 23, 2024, 12:03 [GMT+7]




In order to remove difficulties and obstacles, especially mechanism-related ones, with the spirit of “dare to think and dare to do” for the mutual benefits, and the consent of competent authorities, Da Nang has proposed amending and supplementing Resolution No. 119 with many special mechanisms that are evaluated to be "absolutely necessary" by central agencies.

The Politburo's Conclusion No. 79-KL/TW dated May 13, 2024 on continuing to implement Resolution No. 43 clearly states "Reviewing and evaluating the National Assembly (NA)-issued mechanisms and policies to amend and perfect, aimed at meeting the city's development requirements, removing bottlenecks, unleashing resources, and resolving problems, especially in planning, investment, and the management of urban, land, natural resources, finance and budget.


In the immediate future, attention will be paid to building mechanisms and policies to mobilise resources for constructing a pilot free trade zone and regional financial centre; as well as developing Da Nang into a hub for innovation, entrepreneurship, and hi-tech of the whole country, and a centre for logistics, tourism - services, and training high quality human resource in semiconductor and AI industries”.

On May 31, at the 7th session of the 15th NA, when presenting the Government’s report on the drafting of a NA resolution on the urban administration organisation and the piloting of special mechanisms and policies for the development of the central city of Da Nang, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung emphasised that Resolution No.119 has mostly focused on piloting the urban administration model and lacked specific mechanisms and policies with breakthrough, motivating and spillover effects.

Therefore, it is necessary to have new, special mechanisms and policies to support Da Nang to achieve its goals set out in Resolution No. 43-NQ/TW and Conclusion No. 79-KL/TW.


Minister Nguyen Chi Dung shared that the building of a new resolution aims to design outstanding and specialised mechanisms and policies to promote the superiority and deal with difficulties, obstacles and inadequacies of the urban government model stated in Resolution No. 119, creating a legal basis to tap potential and advantages, make breakthroughs and remove bottlenecks in the city's socio-economic development.

Previously, when chairing the meeting of the drafting board and editorial team to develop a draft resolution on amending and supplementing Resolution No. 119/2020/QH14, Ministry Nguyen Chi Dung said that five out of the 30 policies were new, specific and special, and they must be truly outstanding, unique, and one step ahead.


According to Minister Dung, freshly proposed policies must ensure strictness, feasibility and convincingness; policies need to be relevant and truly a great surge of development progress.

"There is no limit to the number of policies. However, they must be effective, appropriate, and truly necessary in a bid to help localities fully tap their potential and strengths, and achieve goals, orientations and planning for faster and more sustainable development" he said.


According to Chairman of the NA's Finance - Budget Committee Le Quang Manh, the implementation of Resolution No. 43-NQ/TW and Resolution No. 119/2020/QH14 showed that current regulations do not cover all arising issues, and some are no longer suitable for practice.

Therefore, it is necessary to amend and perfect specific mechanisms and policies, creating a premise for the development of Da Nang in the coming time. The Finance - Budget Committee believes that the Government's submission of a draft resolution to replace Resolution No. 119/2020/QH14 to the NA has sufficient political, legal and practical basis and is within its authority. The draft resolution document is basically qualified to be presented to the NA at the 7th session.


Director of the Da Nang Department of Planning and Investment Tran Thi Thanh Tam said that since they embarked on the task of developing a draft resolution, Da Nang's leaders have determined to make every effort to remove difficulties and obstacles, and have new, special mechanisms and policies in order to create a new premise for the city to accelerate its progress.

This has inspired and also been a great motivation for the city's leadership team to be determined to build and complete the draft resolution in just 6 months.

Mr. Nguyen Tien Quang, Director of the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in Central and Central Highlands regions, assessed that the NA is taking into consideration the adoption of a resolution on urban administration organisation and the piloting of a number of specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Da Nang, which is considered a "new coat" to create new driving forces for the city in the coming period.


“This is extremely necessary, because it will be difficult for the city to continue to develop strongly without new, groundbreaking, and outstanding policies and mechanisms.

In particular, with the formation of a free trade zone associated with advantages in location and infrastructure in general, the space for economic development is more open.

Da Nang will become a locality with high openness in trade and investment compared to other countries in the region and the world. The free trade zone will help Da Nang fully tap its advantages to overcome its current limitations such as small natural area and small population size", Mr. Nguyen Tien Quang analysed.


At the 7th session of the 15th NA, many delegates agreed with the drafting of a resolution on amending and supplementing Resolution No. 119/2020/QH14. The main reason is that creating special mechanisms and new driving forces for Da Nang is a very important task, having a great impact on not only local people but also the central key economic zone.

It is extremely necessary to apply a number of specific mechanisms and policies in Da Nang so that the locality can proactively make breakthroughs and accelerate development to deserve its title of being the growth locomotive of the central region.


Chairing the discussion in group No. 11 about this draft resolution, Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee cum Head of the NA Deputies' delegation Nguyen Van Quang said that the city targeted green and sustainable development based on science, technology, creativity and innovation. These are new driving forces for the city's growth.

Among the 30 policies in the draft resolution, there are 5 new policies, including 2 interesting policies boldly proposed by Da Nang and approved by the Politburo.

First of all, a pilot free trade zone will be established in the city. This is one of the breakthroughs demonstrating the city’s spirit of "dare to think and dare to do" in testing a model that is affirmed by the world but has no precedent or practice in Viet Nam.


Secondly, the development of science and technology, and innovation is one of the new points compared to many policies of other localities. Accordingly, Da Nang will attract resources for the semiconductor and AI industries. According to municipal Party chief Nguyen Van Quang, the city will develop policies to increase autonomy and mobilise social resources for investment activities instead of relying on central resources.

According to Vice Chairman of the NA Nguyen Duc Hai, the amendment and supplementation of Resolution No. 119/2020/QH14 aims to achieve the goals set by the Central resolutions, as well as contribute to strengthening financial resources and autonomy mechanisms, creating a legal basis to promote potential and advantages, producing breakthroughs in socio-economic development, and building Da Nang into a civilised, modern city, a city of seaports, and an international urban area.


Reporting by THAO NHI - MAI QUE
Designing by THANH HUYEN
Translating by MAI DUNG
