Trade exchange visit to Lam Dong in September
As part of Da Nang's “Year for Business 2014” programme, a trade exchange programme between businesses from Da Nang and Lam Dong Province will take place between 8 and 12 September in Lam Dong Province. The event will be jointly organised by the Da Nang Trade Promotion Centre and the Lam Dong Province Investment, Trade and Tourism Promotion Centre. The 5-day programme aims to help businesses in the 2 localities to advertise their products, seek cooperation opportunities, and expand their consumer markets.
During the programme, the participating businesses will introduce each other to their products, which include handicrafts, garments, processed foods, vegetables and fruit.
During their stay in the province, Da Nang’s business representatives will visit the province’s typical co-operatives to learn about safe and clean vegetable growing which meets the Good Agricultural Practices (VietGAP) standards. In addition, they will carry out market surveys in local traditional markets, shopping centres, souvenir-selling shops and other areas.