
Workshop to help businesses integrate into the AEC

Published: September 14, 2015

A workshop recently took place in Da Nang to discuss the opportunities and challenges which will arise when the Association of South-East Asian Nations Economic Community (AEC) comes into being at the end of this year, and to find effective solutions to support businesses.

Jointly organised by the city’s University of Economics and Young Entrepreneurs Association, the event was attended by a total of over 150 representatives from universities, research institutes and businesses from the city and other localities nationwide.

Workers at a local seafood company
Workers at a local seafood company

The results of research into the economy, business administration and business management were presented at the event.

The workshop identified the possible changes to the country’s business environment due to the impact of the AEC, and the shifts in domestic economic institutions which will be necessary for the development of businesses in the context of the AEC.

In addition, the government-identified ways to assist businesses in enhancing their economic integration into the AEC and advanced administrative technologies to improve their competitiveness were presented at the event.
