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Da Nang promotes use of renewable energy for its future development plans

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 31, 2021, 11:19 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang People's Committee has just given the green light to the implementation of a project for promoting the development and use of renewable and new energy in Da Nang by 2025, with a vision towards 2035.

The project aims to meet the major target of building Da Nang into an ecological, environmentally-friendly, modern, smart and international-level city in line with the national government’s Resolution No. 43-NQ/TW dated January 24, 2019 on the construction and development of Da Nang to 2030, with a vision to 2045.

By 2025, the proportion of renewable and new energy sources in the city’s total primary energy supply will have reached about 9.71%.

Focus will be creating all favourable conditions for all economic sectors, especially private businesses, to participate in the development of power generation projects using grid-connected renewable energy, in tandem with calling for more investment inflows in renewable energy technology projects.

By 2035, renewable and new energy sources will have made up for 9.69% of the city’s total primary energy supply.

Besides, importance will be attached to mobilising more necessary resources for research, development, transfer and application of new types of renewable energy.

Reporting by HOANG LINH- Translating by A.T
