
Strictest health measures put in place at citywide industrial parks amid COVID-19 concerns

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 13, 2021, 20:41 [GMT+7]

The industrial parks (IPs) across Da Nang have already put in place strictest health measures in a bid to create a secure workplace for all employees there.

The move came as contacts of people with confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection had been identified in some companies operating in the local IPs.

Investigators from the Authority of the Hi-tech Park and Industrial Parks in Da Nang conducted an onsite visit to check preventative measures which have been put in place at the Central Region Seafood Import/Export Company in the morning of May 11. Photo: KHANH HOA
Investigators from the Authority of the Hi-tech Park and Industrial Parks in Da Nang conducted an onsite visit to check preventative measures which have been put in place at the Central Region Seafood Import/Export Company in the morning of May 11. Photo: KHANH HOA

Quickly tracing and isolating contacts of confirmed cases

The Da Nang IP is home to 43 companies with a combined total of nearly 10,000 employees.

We observed on Tuesday morning indicated that all companies based in this IP, except for Tuong Minh Company linked to recently-confirmed case, continued to operate as normal.

Mr Nguyen Quang Lam, Deputy Director of Massda Land Company that is in charge of managing this IP, said that the Son Tra District authorities had put all of employees at the Truong Minh Company under isolation, and conducted the collection of their swab samples for COVID-19 testing.

The authority of the Da Nang IP is urging all companies operating here to tighten their measures to prevent the further spread of the virus.

Son Tra District People’s Committee Vice Chairman Huynh Van Hung said that local authorities have traced 71 contacts of the postive case linked to Tuong Minh Company. and all her close contacts have been placed under quarantine.

Disinfectant sprays for the prevention of COVID-19 have been already carried out in the affected company.

All companies operating in the Hoa Cam IP are staying compliant with the city’s COVID-19 rules.

Mr Nguyen Vu Khoa Nguyen, Administrative Manager at Fujikura Automotive Vietnam Ltd. said that a total of 73 indirect contacts of a person with confirmed COVID-19 have been identified in this company. All of them are self-isolating at home for 14 days.

All employees at Fujikura Automotive Vietnam Ltd. were allowed to have a day off on May 10 to conduct disinfectant sprays for the prevention of COVID-19. This company will continue to conduct disinfectant sprays twice per week in a bid to provide a safe and secure workplace for its staff.

The staff at Fujikura Automotive Vietnam Ltd., except for those being under a self-quarantine, returned to work on May 11, and worked in three shifts.

Besides, all staff members at this company are required to maintain a 2 metre distance from others at both workplaces and at dining areas.

The Hoa Cam IP now houses 66 businesses with a combined total of about 10,000 employees. The authority of the Hoa Cam IP is urging all these companies to ensure good practice of the 5 recommendations of Vietnamese Ministry of Health, namely ‘Khau trang’ (Face mask) – ‘Khu khuan’ (Disinfection) – ‘Khoang cach’ ‘Distance’ - ‘Khong tu tap’ (No gatherings) – ‘Khai bao y te’ (Health Declaration) in a bid to prevent the further spread of the virus. All these firms are requiring their staff to be responsible for following the protective measures in order to protect themselves and others from from the deadly virus. 

The authority of the Hoa Cam IP has increased its surprise visits to all companies operating here to check their control measures for COVID-19.

Increasing the monitoring of the implementation of the city’s preventive measures at all businesses operating in local IPS

Mr Pham Truong Son, Head of the Authority of the Hi-tech Park and Industrial Parks in Da Nang said his agency conducted onsite visits on May 11 to 5 companies operating in some IPs in the city to check preventative measures which have been put in place there. Included are the Central Region Seafood Import/Export Company, Viesky Trading and General Services Company, Thuan Phuoc Seafoods and Trading Corporation, all located in the Da Nang Seafood Services IP, along with Daeryang Vina Industry Company and Seto Vietnam Company, both located in the Expanded Hoa Khanh IP.

The results of these site visits made by respresentatives of the Authority of the Hi-tech Park and Industrial Parks in Da Nang indicated that all employees at the five companies were seen wearing face coverings, queuing for having their body temperatures measured and disinfecting their hands before entering their workplace. In addition, cardboard partitions have been already set up on dining tables to ensure the safe distance among workers, and maintain their hygiene when eating and drinking. All these companies were seen strictly following the city’s COVID-19 rules.

In the similar vein, in their efforts to ensure the ultimate safety of over 35,700 employees in total,  210 firms operating in the Hoa Khanh IP in Lien Chieu District and Da Nang Seafood Services IP are prioritising to put in place the strictest health measures in order to fulfil their ‘ dual goals’ of tackling the pandemic and keeping their production stable.  

No postive cases have been reported till date in the two IPs. Only one close contact of a confirmed case have been identified, and is being placed under quarantine in accordance with infection control guidelines and recommendations issued by Vietnamese Ministry of Health. In addition, indirect contacts of positive cases are self-isolating at home.

Reporting by KHANH HOA – MAI QUE
