
Active support for youth's startups

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 10, 2022, 11:39 [GMT+7]

Instead of feeling a sense of being content with stable jobs, many young people have boldly started their own businesses to find great opportunities for success.

Over the past time, the Da Nang Youth Union and its chapters across the city have had many practical programmes and actions to support young people’s startups.

Specifically, during the 2016-2021 period, the municipal Youth Union supported 46 startup projects by its members and students citywide.

Hua Van Hieu established the 3 Cuong Trading & Service Co., Ltd. in Hoa Cuong Bac Ward, Hai Chau District, in late 2020, specialising in printing, and designing uniforms and T-shirts on demand.
Hua Van Hieu established the 3 Cuong Trading & Service Co., Ltd. in Hoa Cuong Bac Ward, Hai Chau District, in late 2020, specialising in printing, and designing uniforms and T-shirts on demand.

Boldly get rich

After graduating from senior high school, Hua Van Hieu, born in 1993 in Hoa Cuong Bac Ward, Hai Chau District, did many jobs and then boldly established the 3 Cuong Trading & Service Co., Ltd. which specialises in printing and designing uniforms and T-shirts on demand in late 2020.

After Hieu did not pass the entrance examination to the University of Foreign Language Studies- the University of Da Nang, Hieu studied about printing technology and fashion design in Ho Chi Minh City for a year. At the same time, Hieu took part-time jobs at companies specialising in printing and designing uniforms to hone his skills.

After returning to Da Nang, Hieu founded his own company with the money he had accumulated after many years of working and partly supported by his family.

Up to now, after more than one year of operation, the company's revenue has increased 3 times compared to the initiative capital.

“I have received active support from the Hoa Cuong Bac Ward chapter of the Da Nang Youth Union in helping me connect with many large orders, as well as giving spirit encouragement when my business was affected by COVID-19” said Hieu.

Hieu plans to expand his business, and buy more printers, presses and computers, to serve larger enterprises in the next 3 years.

35-year-old Nguyen Thanh Canh, residing in Hoa Hiep Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District, started his own business with the model of breeding black tiger shrimps in mid-2017 after realising the great potential of the locality for the model. Initial investment was about VND200 million.

After more than 4 years of operation, Canh's shrimp farm now has 12 breeding tanks and 4 nursery tanks, and produces 15 million black tiger shrimp seeds every year.

“Although my farm is quite small scale, I have won trust of many people. The average annual revenue ranges from VND100-200 million. In the coming time, I plan to borrow additional capital to invest into an independent sea water source for the farm and more shrimp breeding techniques" said Canh.

Meanwhile, with his great passion for filming and photography, Le Ba Tanh, born in 1995, in Hoa Khanh Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District, decided to do a startup by opening the Leeta Studio on September 2 Street in Hai Chau District in mid-2020.

Currently, Tanh’s income is about VND15-20 million/month. During his start-up journey, he has received active support from the Hoa Khanh Bac Ward and the Lien Chieu District chapters of the municipal Youth Union. These units have usually invited the Leeta Studio to film and take photographs for their events and activities.

Many practical support programmes for the youth

Over recent years, the Lien Chieu District chapter of the municipal Youth Union has regularly cooperated with the district’s Economic Office to organise career and job orientation exchanges for young people in the locality, aimed at introducing suitable jobs for local young people.

In addition, the district’s Youth Union organisation has coordinated with the local Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs to introduce more than 1,500 young people to work at businesses and companies in the locality.

Periodically, the organisation has worked with the district branch of the Bank for Social Policies to facilitate young people to get loans for doing a business.

Moreover, the focus has been on organising vocational training courses and job fairs for young people, establishing and maintaining a Startup Club, and holding an annual business start-up class.

In a similar vein, in Hai Chau District, the youth startup movement is interested, encouraged and accompanied by the Standing Committee of the district’s Youth Union organisation.

In order to improve the efficiency of the youth entrepreneurship movement, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phong, Secretary of the Hai Chau District chapter of the Youth Union, stressed the necessity for local authorities to equip young people with knowledge about entrepreneurship, startup-related professional knowledge, and other necessary soft skills.

Additionally, it is necessary to support capital for young people so that they have more peace of mind to start a business and expand the start-up model. Importance is attached to making suggestions to the local authorities about creating very favourable conditions for the youth to do startups.

Mr. Nguyen Ba Duan, Deputy Secretary of the municipal Youth Union, highlighted the significance of organising more startup competitions and useful startup playgrounds for startup lovers.

He also suggested that more training courses on startup, and more incubation courses for startups, should be organised for young people.

Reporting by MAI HIEN - Translating by M.DUNG
