
Ensuring conditions for operating Da Nang - Ly Son waterway tourism route

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 27, 2022, 17:57 [GMT+7]

On Sunday, the Da Nang Port Authority gave a nod for the Phu Quoc Express JSC to use Trung Trac Express ship to transport passengers on the Da Nang-Ly Son inland waterway route.

A model of an express ship is expected to be put into use on the Da Nang-Ly Son inland waterway route by the Phu Quoc Express JSC. Photo: TRIEU TUNG  
A model of an express ship is expected to be put into use on the Da Nang-Ly Son inland waterway route by the Phu Quoc Express JSC. Photo: TRIEU TUNG  

As planned, the Phu Quoc Express JSC will officially open the Da Nang - Ly Son waterway passenger transport route on March 29, and put the Trung Trac Express Ship into use on the route from April 9, 2022.

The 7505 HP, 44.7m-long Trung Trac Express ship can accommodate a total of 612 people, including 598 passengers. It will travel from the Da Nang Port to the Ly Son Port in the Ly Son Island District, Quang Ngai Province, and vice versa.

The operation and exploitation of this waterway tourism route must comply with the provisions of law, as well as strictly abide by the guidance of the Inland Waterway Port Authority, the port owners, and relevant regulations.

The Da Nang Maritime Administration shall guide the work of ensuring maritime safety during the voyage of ships on the navigational channels under the management responsibility area, as well as instruct the owners of means of passenger transport to strictly observe the maritime laws on assurance of maritime safety, maritime security, fire and explosion prevention, and environmental protection.

The Phu Quoc Express JSC is responsible for displaying ticket fares, service prices, and information on departure times, number of trips and fare reduction policies in line with the Vietnamese law.

Reporting by TRIEU TUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
