
Da Nang's efforts to lift up rankings of OCOP products

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
November 16, 2022, 17:52 [GMT+7]

Da Nang now has 40 products meeting the 4-star standards of the One Commune-One Product (OCOP) programme, but so far, no product has been rated five stars. Therefore, the city is making every effort to remove current difficulties to improve the quality of key products towards the development of national-level OCOP products.

Production activities are observed at the Bac Dau Co., Ltd., based in the Tho Quang Fisheries Industrial Park
Production activities are observed at the Bac Dau Co., Ltd., based in the Tho Quang Fisheries Industrial Park

Many potential products

Top Coco baked coconut cake made by the My Phuong Food Co., Ltd is one of the 14 OCOP products certified with 4 stars across the city.

According to Mrs. Mai Thi Y Nhi, Sales Director of the My Phuong Food Co., Ltd., after being rated with four stars, the company's products have won trust of consumers at both home and abroad, as well as have had the opportunity to participate in many large-scale trade promotion fairs, thereby contributing to building and positioning its brand name.

Till date, the product has been exported to Japan, South Korea and Laos, and is being promoted to China. Notably, it has just obtained FDA certification and will be exported to the US market this month.

Despite having many advantages and meeting export criteria through foreign markets, the product has not yet achieved 5-star OCOP certification.

According to Mrs. Nhi, the recognition of 5-star OCOP is a great opportunity for her business to promote its potential, support export activities and bring products to major markets.

“We have been supported by the municipal Department of Industry and Trade to register for trademark protection. However, the QR code on the product has not yet integrated the input traceability, so we hope to receive active support from related units at all levels to solve this problem” shared Mrs. Mai Thi Y Nhi.

Meanwhile, the Bac Dau Co., Ltd based in the Tho Quang Fisheries Services Industrial Zone, Son Tra District, has 3 products certified as 4-star OCOP ones: fried mackerel cakes, squid cakes and dried catfish seasoned with spices. All products are made in Da Nang by using advanced Japanese technologies. Up to now, these products have been exported to a number of Asian countries such as Japan, Thailand, China and South Korea.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Thu, Deputy Director of the Bac Dau Co., Ltd., said that thanks to the city's OCOP programme, her company’s products are promoted to partners, businesses and consumers at both domestic and foreign consumers. In 2023, the company continues to complete the application for OCOP classification for its dried unicorn filefish.

“We hope that our products will be upgraded to 5-star OCOP ones to facilitate exports, expand markets and reach potential customer groups, thereby contributing to building and affirming the brand name of products originating from Da Nang”, said Mrs. Thu.

A customer is trying Top Coco baked coconut cake at the International East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) Trade and Tourism Fair - Da Nang 2022. Photo: VAN HOANG
A customer is trying Top Coco baked coconut cake at the International East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) Trade and Tourism Fair - Da Nang 2022. Photo: VAN HOANG

Towards 5-star OCOP products

According to the Office of Planning - Finance and Construction Management under the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), the development of 5-star OCOP products is one of the city's goals in implementing the OCOP Programme.

To be certified as 5-star OCOP products, in addition to ensuring the general provisions of the set of criteria, products are required to meet international quality standards, and have a large production scale, value chain linkage, local source of raw materials and traceability of growing area codes.

During the implementation of the OCOP programme, the municipal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has oriented and selected a number of products to complete 5-star product standards such as My Phuong Food baked coconut cakes, Bac Dau fried mackerel cakes, and Huong Lang Co Nam O fish sauce.

Besides, the unit has supported establishments to standardise advanced quality management standards such as ISO and HACCP, promote consumption connection at supermarkets, and develop distribution systems.

In 2022, the department has focused on building value chain links for OCOP products, gradually researching and building a product traceability system in the raw material area, and ensuring standards for the evaluation of 5-star OCOP products in 2023.

Mr. Nguyen Phu Ban, Director of the city's Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, said that in the coming time, the department will centre on effectively implementing the OCOP programme, developing specialties and key products, fully tapping the potentials and advantages of each region and locality, implementing solutions to develop OCOP products and orienting 5-star product standardisation.

Accordingly, the city will develop 6 OCOP product groups, with a focus on agricultural and non-agricultural products, services, key products and advantages in each locality towards promoting internal resources, and added value associated with community development.

Furthermore, the Department will continue to upgrade and perfect the products that have been evaluated and classified. As for products with 3 stars, the unit will continue to support companies to perfect products, innovate technologies and technical processes, and complete packaging and labels according to regulations. With regard to 4-star OCOP products, aside from perfecting and standardising products, heed will be on selecting 5-star potential OCOP products to register for central-level product evaluation and classification.

Reporting by V.HOANG - Translating by M.DUNG
