
Hoa Vang signature products ready to serve Tet

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 24, 2022, 12:39 [GMT+7]

Agricultural production areas in Hoa Vang District, Da Nang are rushing to prepare for the most important crop of the year when there is less than a month left until the traditional Vietnamese Lunar New Year (Tet) 2023.

Flower villages in Hoa Vang District are busy preparing for the year-end market. People in Duong Son flower village take care of Mokara orchids for Tet crops. Photo: KHANH HOA
Flower villages in Hoa Vang District are busy preparing for the year-end market. People in Duong Son flower village take care of Mokara orchids for Tet crops. Photo: KHANH HOA

These days, in the city's oldest and largest flower-growing village - Duong Son in Giang Dong Village, Hoa Chau Commune, Da Nang, gardeners and workers are busy taking care of, pruning, and preparing for the coming Tet flower season.

Unlike last year, this year, most of the households have nearly doubled the number of flowers due to the forecast that the market's consumption will increase again. The most commonly grown flowers in Duong Son flower village are crystal daisies and Mokara orchids.

Mr. Ly Phuoc Van, 38, the owner of a flower garden in Duong Son Village, said that he had prepared 1,500 pots of daisies, 1,000 pots of lisianthus and 1,000 pots of petunia flowers to serve the Lunar New Year.
“We signed a contract to supply 70% of the total number of flowers grown in the garden to traders. Prices have remained stable, only consumption has increased”, said Mr. Van.

Similarly, on an area of 2,500m2, Mr. Ly Phuoc A planted 1,000 pots of daisies and some other flowers including marigolds. According to Mr. A, this year the weather is quite favourable so the flowers will bloom on time. Among them, chrysanthemums are sold the most with an expected price of VND 300,000 VND - more than VND 1 million/pair. This price has not increased compared to last year.

In addition to the above-mentioned traditional flowers, for many years, in the Duong Son flower village, Mokara orchids have been grown in cages with the selling price of VND 400,000 – VND 500,000 /plant.

Mr. Le Duc Hung, Chairman of the Hoa Chau Commune People's Committee said that for many years, floriculture has brought a good source of income for garden owners. The Duong Son flower village currently has 20 households producing potted flowers. To serve during the forthcoming Tet, more than 32,750 flower pots of all kinds have been prepared.

In addition to the traditional flowers, in the past few years, flower growers have continued to applied hi-tech application models into the production of such flowers as Mokara orchids, roses, confetti and decorative plants. Besides the Da Nang market, the village has also made supplies of Tet flowers to some neighbouring provinces such as Quang Tri , Quang Binh and Quang Nam.

In addition to the strength of flowers, Hoa Vang District is a locality that supplies many agricultural products to the city, especially during the Tet season, such as vegetables and tubers of all kinds and chickens, fish and pigs.

Mr. Bui Dung, the Director of the Tuy Loan Safe Vegetable Production and Consumption Service Cooperative based in Hoa Phong Commune said that for more than a month now, its members have been planting vegetables such as bitter melon, gourd, squash and sponge gourd.

At the end of this December, we will sow more than 25 species of vegetables such as water spinach, amaranth and lettuce.

With a total planting area of 8ha, it is expected that the Tuy Loan Safe Vegetable Production and Consumption Service Cooperative provides an average of 1.5 tonnes of vegetables/ day to the market, especially about 15 tonnes 10 days before Tet alone.

“Currently, up to 50% of the cooperative's vegetables go into stable chain consumption systems such as supermarkets, trade centres and 10 convenience stores,” said Mr. Dung.

As reported by the Hoa Vang District Agriculture Department, there are currently 53 households producing winter-spring vegetables in the district, serving the whole Lunar New Year of 2023 with a total planting area of 475,200m2.

Most cooperatives in the area have proactively gradually applied cleaner production models to meet VietGap standards, along with actively promoting trade, connecting with consumers such as schools, supermarkets, convenient stores, creating a chain of production - consumption, bringing clean products to consumers.

Thanks to these, the output of products is constantly expanding with stability ensured, especially at the time of the Lunar New Year.

For livestock and poultry raising activities, the whole district currently houses 5 chicken farms with the number of thousands of chickens, 38 and 9 ones raising quail and pigs, respectively.

Reporting by KHANH HOA - Translating by A.THU
