
Start a successful business with ginger tea

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 03, 2023, 18:18 [GMT+7]

Realising that growing ginger is hard but the output is difficult and the income is not stable, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Nguyet, residing in Hoa Quy Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, starts a business with ginger tea. Till date, her great efforts have been bearing fruit when her own brand of the Tam Nguyen ginger tea has won the trust of many customers.

After the initial success, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Nguyet intends to boost production and bring ginger tea products to many provinces and cities across the country. Photo: T.D
After the initial success, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Nguyet intends to boost production and bring ginger tea products to many provinces and cities across the country. Photo: T.D

Avoiding problem of good harvest resulting in devaluation

In 2017, most of farmers in Hoa Quy Ward planted ginger because this plant was suitable for the local climate and soil.

However, in the harvest season, the farmers, including my parents, are "dismayed" due to the problem of good harvest resulting in devaluation.

“Therefore I told myself I had to find another way to both help my parents and other farmers escape losses and keep their traditional ginger growing that has been with them for many years. Fortunately, in a conversation with a Japanese friend, I was prompted to have the idea of ​​processing ginger into a delicious tea product" Mrs. Nguyet recalled.

After that, Mrs. Nguyet and her father, Mr. Nguyen Len, together researched the recipe. They decided to produce bottled a high concentrated liquid-type tea because there are many popular dry powdered ginger tea products on the market.

“I thought it was simple, but when I started doing it, many things were still quite strange to me, so failure was inevitable. The most difficult thing is how to make tea delicious and have moderate sweetness, as well as how to keep the product for a long time without being separated” Mr. Nguyen Len said.

The father and his daughter ordered famous Korean and Japanese ginger tea products to try to learn and adjust ingredients to suit Vietnamese tastes. After many trials, the quality-guaranteed ginger tea product was finally completed.

According to Mrs. Nguyet, after being washed and dried, selected old ginger is pureed and filtered to get the juice, mixed with alum sugar, honey in the appropriate proportion and then distilled and concentrated for many hours. The product is packaged in a 250ml glass bottle with an eye-catching design.

Production expansion

Initially, Mrs. Nguyet mainly introduced and sold her products on social networks and received many positive feedbacks.

Realising the potential for development, Mrs. Nguyet has registered as an individual business household, and then bought many machines, aiming to expand production activities.

At the same time, she has introduced her product on e-commerce channels, retail stores, and coffee shops.

In addition, she has taken part in trade promotion fairs in the city in order to promote her products to a large number of consumers nationwide.

According to Mrs. Nguyet, ginger tea product are well received by everyone thanks to its highly appreciated quality, ensuring food safety and hygiene, no preservatives. In particular, the product is suitable for all ages, beneficial for health.

Besides ginger tea in liquid form, Mrs. Nguyet's production facility is offering other products such as fresh turmeric juice, ginger powder, and freeze-dried turmeric powder.

The Tam Nguyen ginger tea product is widely distributed in the city and many provinces across the country. In 2021, Tam Nguyen ginger tea was recognised by the municipal People's Committee as a 3-star OCOP product and became a typical rural industrial product of the city.

Currently, the Tam Nguyen ginger tea production facility creates jobs for 4 family members and about 10 local seasonal workers.

Each year, the establishment consumes about 5-6 tonnes of raw ginger and sells over 10,000 bottles of ginger tea to the market.

“In 2023, I plan to invest in some machines to improve quality of my products in an effort to meet the increasing demands of customers, as well as promote them to more consumers. Besides root ginger grown in the locality, I buy a large amount of ginger from people in mountainous districts of Quang Nam Province to meet production needs. I hope that the facility maintains good production to ensure stable output and jobs for ginger growers" Mrs. Nguyet said.

Reporting by THANH DANH - Translating by M.DUNG
