
Uphold value of clean agricultural products

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 11, 2023, 16:07 [GMT+7]

In an effort meet the growing requirements of the market, agricultural producers must create safe and quality products. As an agricultural production hub of the city, in recent years, Hoa Vang District have seen many businesses boldly pour their money into devloping clean agricultural products in specialised farming areas across the suburban district. 

Students majoring in high-industrial agriculture at the Da Nang-based Dong A University visit the Afarm organic fruit and vegetables production site.  Photo: D.H.L
Students majoring in high-industrial agriculture at the Da Nang-based Dong A University visit the Afarm organic fruit and vegetables production site. Photo: D.H.L

The district has built high-tech application production areas in communes such as the Tuy Loan safe vegetable production area, the Hoa Tien and Hoa Phong organic rice production areas and models of farming fish and raising pig bio- or organically, thereby improving the value of clean agricultural products compared to conventional production methods.

Find effective direction

The story of growing clean mushrooms by Mr. Phan Van Hung in Cam Toai Dong Village, Hoa Phong Commune, Hoa Vang District is considered one of the fairly typical clean agricultural production models in the countryside today.

In 2014, Hung saw by chance people on the internet producing clean mushrooms with high economic efficiency and he started to make a switch to growing oyster, abalone and Lingzhi mushrooms and cordyceps right in their own land.

At first, he experimented with 2,000 abalone mushroom embryos on an area of 50m2 and brought high income, from which he decided to invest in expanding the production base to 600m2, harvesting more than 1.5 tonnes of oyster mushrooms every month, 300-500kg of Ganoderma lucidum and 10-15kg of cordyceps each year. However, when the volume increased, he faced difficulties in production investment capital as well as consumption market expansion.

Compared to other clean agricultural production units, the production of clean fruit and vegetables of the Afarm Hi-tech Agriculture JSC is quite modern and professional.

Since 2018, the company boldly invested more than VND 10 billion in developing a modern production farm with a greenhouse system and automatic control, with a strict safety and hygiene control process in Phu Tuc Village, Hoa Phu Commune.

Especially, the company gives a heed to promoting the application of 4.0 Industry technologies to the irrigation system, controlling temperature, humidity and light so as to bring products that meet VietGAP standards to the market.

As a result, the company is not only a reliable point for demanding customers but also a place for agricultural students to visit and learn about hi-tech agricultural production.

Recently, Afarm welcomed more than 60 students whose major in high-tech agriculture from the Da Nang-based Dong A University to learn about the closed organic vegetable production process. Such a field trip helps students take a glance at how the production stages take place.

Mr. Nguyen Tan Phuong, the Director of Afarm, said that the company will complete a new project in 2 months. With the motto ‘Clean enough to share’, Afarm always tries to bring consumers the best food based on strict natural principles.

According to the Hoa Vang District People's Committee, in the process of building a new-style rural areas in the 2016 - 2025 period, the district has earmarked areas for the production of clean agricultural products such as safe fruit and vegetable production,, organic rice and specialty aquaculture areas.

Promote product brands

In order for the quality of local clean agricultural products ‘fly high’, the Hoa Vang leaders are always interested in promoting contacts and connections with businesses and supporting the development of agricultural products highly eligible for export to other countries.

The district successfully organised Hoa Vang Agricultural Fair in 2020 and 2022, with each fair featuring about 150 booths owned by enterprises inside and outside the city, attracting 50,000 visitors and generating a total estimated revenue of VND3 billion.

In order to help clean agricultural products reach closer to consumers, in 2022, the district cooperated with the municipal Department of Industry and Trade to survey 75 establishments and businesses about the actual production situation, and product supply and distribution capacities.

In addition, the district’s authorities have helped connect production establishments to the with a distribution system across the city, including the connection between the supermarket and the production unit; between the convenience store chain and the production unit; bringing goods to markets and at the points of sale of OCOP (One Commune - One Product) products, thereby opening up many product sales opportunities for local businesses.

Reporting by DOAN HAO LUONG - Translating by A.THU
