
Da Nang CPI up by 0.37% in July

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 31, 2023, 12:14 [GMT+7]

Da Nang's consumer price index (CPI) in July increased by 0.37% as compared to the previous month and by 0.37% over the same period in 2022, the Da Nang Statistics Department freshly announced

Illustrative image. (Photo: DNO)
Illustrative image. (Photo: DNO)

Average CPI in 7 months of 2023 went by 6.24% over the same period. In the 0.37% rise in CPI in July, there were eight out of the 11 commodity groups with an increase in price index; one group with a decrease, and the remaining two with stability.

The commodity groups recording an increase compared to the previous month were other goods and services up by 2.25%; culture, entertainment and tourism 0.95%; housing, electricity, water, fuel and construction materials 0.76%; beverages and tobacco 0.39%; traffic 0.31%; appliances and household appliances 0.25%; food and catering services 0.14%; medicine and health services 0.02%.

The CPI of post and telecommunications group plunged down by 0.19%.

Education and apparel, hats and footwear maintained stability as compared to the previous month.

With regard to some prominent reasons, the increase in CPI in July was attributed to a rise in kerosene and diesel price indexes.

From July 1, the basic salary was adjusted upwards which made the price index of the health insurance group increase by 20.81%.

The situation of hot weather on a large scale caused people's demand to climb up, causing electricity and water prices to soar up by 3.87% and 0.76% respectively over the previous month.

Reporting by MAI QUE - Translating by A.THU
