
Nearly 8,000 new members join Da Nang cooperative economy

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 05, 2023, 11:43 [GMT+7]

The Da Nang Cooperative Union, in the first half of 2023, attracted  6,018 capital contributors and 1,854 associate members, bringing the total charter capital of 43 member cooperatives to VND 139 billion and the total operating capital to VND226.7 billion.

Illustrative image (Photo:DNO)
Illustrative image (Photo:DNO)

In recent years, many typical units, organisations, associations and individuals in building and developing cooperative models to have helped to promote local products to other Vietnamese localities, and foreign countries.

However, there are still limitations as most of the cooperatives have small scale, small production and business capacity, limited collective economic products, many OCOP (One Commune - One Product) being unprocessed raw products and some difficulties in seeking consumption markets.

In the remaining months of the year, the Da Nang Cooperative Union will carry out specific tasks such as continuing to support its member cooperatives to speed up the transformation and restructuring according to the new model of cooperatives for units with inefficient operation and promoting the products developed by local cooperatives in the city.

Reporting by CHIEN THANG – Translating by A.THU
