
Improvement of product value from collective brands

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 09, 2023, 19:19 [GMT+7]

In response to the Da Nang Intellectual Property Development Programme by 2030, the municipal Department of Science and Technology has been coordinating with relevant units and localities to build, manage and develop collective brands for many agricultural products. This has helped to ensure the quality and standards of products, meet requirements from consumer markets, preserve and develop production activities, enhance value and position the brands.

Collective brands contribute to improving competitiveness and enhancing product value. IN PHOTO: Tourists buy Nam O fish sauce products at the International East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) Trade and Tourism Fair 2023. Photo: VAN HOANG
Collective brands contribute to improving competitiveness and enhancing product value. IN PHOTO: Tourists buy Nam O fish sauce products at the International East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) Trade and Tourism Fair 2023. Photo: VAN HOANG

Competitiveness improvement

Thanh Khe fired fish cake is one of the typical, attractive and popular commercial products in the city. However, for many years, the product has not been branded in the market, making it very difficult for customers to access and for business households to expand their production and business activities.

In 2023, the Department of Science and Technology has already supported the management and development of the certification brand ‘Thanh Khe fish cake’ for the product.

In mid-August 2023, the municipal People's Committee issued a decision allowing Thanh Khe District People's Committee to use the name ‘Thanh Khe’ to register the certification mark ‘Thanh Khe fish cake’ for fish cake products and fish cake selling services in the district. Also, five geographical area maps for registration of certification marks have been developed.

Mr. Vo Kim Tu, Head of the Economic Office of Thanh Khe District, said that the district is now home to 50 establishments specialising in producing and trading fish cakes.

He highlighted the significance of building a collective trademark in promoting the position and reputation of products and brands because the protected products meet the requirements and standards to ensure food hygiene and safety, and clear origin. This contributes to combating the trading of fake, counterfeit and poor quality goods; stabilising the market; and improving product value.

Also, he emphasised that when the brand is protected, the expansion of production and business of members will create more jobs, increase income, stabilise life and guarantee social security.

During the year, the Department of Science and Technology has supported the implementation of national-level tasks on registration of protection, management and development of geographical indications for Nam O fish sauce products. This is a traditional and typical product of Lien Chieu District that was granted with a collective trademark by Viet Nam's National Office of Intellectual Property in December 2009. The registration of collective trademark was renewed for the second time in 2018.

Mr. Tran Ngoc Vinh, Chairman of the Nam O Fish Sauce Craft Village Association, said that business households in the craft village are supported and cared by departments, branches, and localities in building their brands because products are increasingly modern, packaging and designs are diverse, suitable to the needs and tastes of consumers.

During the programme on promoting Nam O fish sauce, One Commune, One Product (OCOP) and featured products of Lien Chieu District, the district authorities supported 6,400 glass bottles for business households to change designs and preserve products.

“Business households in the craft village need to be aware of the issue of product brand protection. In particular, it is necessary for them to change thinking and improve product quality in order to meet market requirements and increase competitiveness to bring long-term and sustainable economic efficiency" Mr. Vinh emphasised.

The entire city has 28 collective trademarks that have been granted trademark registration certificates by the Intellectual Property Department. IN PHOTO: Leaders of the municipal Department of Science and Technology award the Certificate of collective brand
The entire city has 28 collective trademarks that have been granted trademark registration certificates by the Intellectual Property Department. IN PHOTO: Leaders of the municipal Department of Science and Technology award the Certificate of collective brand "Hoa Bac hill chicken" in June 2023. Photo: VAN HOANG

Protecting and developing intellectual property rights

Since 2016, 25 agricultural products in Hoa Vang District have been supported by the municipal Department of Science and Technology in the registration of certification and collective marks.

They include Nhon Phuoc mushrooms, Hoa Phuoc quail eggs, Hoa Tien organic rice, Hoa Ninh grapefruits, Hoa Bac tea, Quang Chau sesame dried cakes, Tuy Loan rice paper, Hoa Nhon palanquin, Hoa Khuong freshwater fish, and Hoa Phu banana.

Vice Chairman of the Hoa Vang District People's Committee Phan Duy Anh said that the building of brands and labels for agricultural products in the locality was an important factor, and a premise for the locality to build and affirm the quality of agricultural products, improve product value, develop product consumption markets, and increase competitiveness. This significantly contributes to creating jobs for workers, improving living standards, and promoting the socio-economic development of the craft village.

To protect and sustainably develop brands and geographical indications, Hoa Vang District will continue to promote propaganda, utilise resources, guide procedures for bringing products into market circulation, display products, and connect supply and demand. Heed also will be on strengthening membership management and quality of registered products, as well as giving a helping hand to business households to promote production and business, in a bid to meet market needs.

According to the municipal Department of Science and Technology, products selected for protection registration must be typical products of the region and meet the requirements of quality standards.

The city has issued many policies to support the construction, management, and development of collective marks, certification marks, and geographical indications.

In particular, 9 certification marks and 28 collective marks have been granted trademark registration certificates by the National Office of Intellectual Property.

In the coming time, the city needs to continue to implement policies, and propose a complete system of other policies in building, managing and developing collective marks, certification marks, and geographical indications.

Reporting by VAN HOANG - Translating by M.DUNG
