
Expanding business connection at Viet Nam - Japan Festival 2024 in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 02, 2024, 11:28 [GMT+7]

Japan’s Kadokawa Group and the N&V Bridge Co., Ltd. asked for permission and support from Da Nang to participate in the Viet Nam - Japan Festival 2024, Mr. Masayuki Aoyagi, Production Director of the Kadokawa Group, said when meeting with municipal People’s Committee Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong on Thursday.

Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Tran Chi Cuong (5th, right) presents a souvenir to Mr. Masayuki Aoyagi, Production Director of Japan's Kadokawa Group. Photo: X.D
Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Tran Chi Cuong (5th, right) presents a souvenir to Mr. Masayuki Aoyagi, Production Director of Japan's Kadokawa Group. Photo: X.D

Mr. Masayuki Aoyagi informed that the Kadokawa Group had nearly 80 years of experience in the leading publishing and entertainment fields in Japan with a scale of 60 subsidiaries and member units.

In 2023, the Japanese group cooperated with the Kim Dong Publishing House to produce two comic books, called "Son, Goal" and "Princess Anio" to celebrate the 50th founding anniversary of the Viet Nam - Japan diplomatic relations.

In particular, the comic book entitled "Son, Goal" is set in Da Nang with the Dragon Bridge as a symbol. It revolves around Son's journey to conquer the pinnacle of football.

According to Mr. Masayuki Aoyagi, the annual Viet Nam - Japan Festival in Da Nang is a very vibrant and meaningful event. Therefore, on the occasion of the visit to Da Nang, his group looks forward to cooperating with the city in the Viet Nam - Japan Festival 2024.

, the group will open a dance teaching workshop, and organise a hiphop dance show, thereby contributing to heating up the atmosphere of the event.

Mr. Masayuki Aoyagi also took the opportunity to ask for the city’s permission for organising investment and cooperation connection and promotion activities in Da Nang within the framework of the festival.

In reply, Vice Chairman Tran Chi Cuong showed his agreement on Kawasaki City’s investment promotion activities at the forthcoming Viet Nam - Japan Festival 2024. He added that Kawasaki City was one of four Japanese cities that had established official friendship and cooperation relations with Da Nang since 1994.

Mr. Cuong welcomed the performances of hiphop dance and a dance teaching workshop of the Kawakado Dreams group at the Viet Nam - Japan Festival 2024.

He suggested the Japanese Group organise the performance combined with reader exchange activities, as well as give away the comic publications "Son, Goal" to Da Nang audiences.

He also asked the N&V Bridge Co., Ltd. to appeal for more Japanese businesses, organisations, individuals, and artists to participate in the upcoming festival.

Reporting by X.DUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
