Wednesday, 26/3/2025 7:52 [GMT+7]
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Many investment and connection opportunities offered at DAVAS 2024

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 01, 2024, 11:56 [GMT+7]

Within the framework of the ongoing Da Nang Venture and Angel Summit (DAVAS) 2024 hosted by the Innovation and Startup Support Centre under the Department of Science and Technology, many activities calling for capital and connecting one-to-one between investors, businesses and innovative start-up projects took place on Friday. These activities aimed to create a chance for startup projects to access investors and investment funds for mutual development.

Projects and startups taking part in 1-on-1 connections with investors and investment funds at DAVAS 2024
Projects and startups taking part in one-to-one connections with investors and investment funds at DAVAS 2024

Accordingly, the event’s organisers selected 30 startup projects with the best records to take part in pitching (calling for capital) directly in front of investors and investment funds.

Among them were three projects from Singapore, one from Canada, seven from Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City, and nineteen from Da Nang.

The participating projects were divided into two groups. A group consisted of projects which have idea stage, seed stage or sample products, and need to raise capital under US$500,000. The other comprised projects with products and services available on the market that need to call for capital of over US$500,000 to expand the consumption market and develop products.

In addition, innovative projects and startups participated in one-to-one connections with investors and investment funds.

Representatives of organizations, businesses, investment funds, and investors signed nine Memoranda of Understanding within the framework of the ongoing DAVAS 2024.
Representatives of organizations, businesses, investment funds, and investors signed nine Memoranda of Understanding within the framework of the ongoing DAVAS 2024.

As part of the ongoing Da Nang Venture and Angel Summit (DAVAS) 2024, nine Memoranda of Understanding on boosting innovation cooperation were signed between supporting organisations, investment funds and enterprises on Friday.

Specifically, the signing ceremonies took place between the Metaverse Technology Village and The Sandbox (virtual world game platform built on the Ethereum blockchain); the Metaverse Technology Village and the Fundgo Fund; the Evvo Labs Vietnam Co., Ltd. and the Dev Plus JSC; the Viot Energy Efficiency Platform JSC (VEEP) and the Evvo Labs Vietnam Co., Ltd.; the EM & AI JSC and the Kilsa Global; the MetaDAP Company and the Songhan Incubator (SHi); the WeAngels investment fund and the Kilsa Global; the Ted Technology Research and Development Co., Ltd. and the ONE Office Communications and Technology Co., Ltd.; and the Vietnam Innovation Hub and the FiveSS Technology JSC.

Reporting by M.QUE, V.HOANG - Translating by M.DUNG
