
"Cau Ngu" Festival in Nai Hien Dong Ward

Published: April 03, 2015

The annual “Cau Ngu” (Fish Worshipping) Festival for fishermen in Son Tra District’s Nai Hien Dong Ward took place between 1 and 3 April (13th -15th days of the 2nd lunar month).

Early morning of Thursday, a number of solemn rituals was held to honour the God of the Sea and to pray for peace, happiness and prosperity throughout the year, as well as for a successful fishing season ahead.  In addition, flowers were dropped into the river to commemmorate fishermen who had died at seas or rivers. 

Apart from the solemn rituals, the 3-day event also featured numerous exciting cultural and sport activities.  They included a Phuc–Loc–Tho (happiness, prosperity, longevity) musical performance, lion and dragon dances, “ba trao” (dancing and singing traditional local folk songs) and a volleyball competition.
