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Concert streamed to celebrate National Day

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 23, 2020, 09:49 [GMT+7]

A special concert starring the nation's leading singers was held on August 22 to mark the 75th anniversary of the August Revolution (August 19) and the National Day (September 2).

Singer Tung Duong. Photos courtesy of Viet Nam Television
Singer Tung Duong. Photos courtesy of Viet Nam Television

Viet Nam Television is organising the Giai Dieu To Quoc (Melody of the Fatherland) concert to spread patriotism and national pride.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the concert took place with no on site audience, but it was broadcast live on VTV1 at 8pm.

The repertoire started with lullabies and songs about the peaceful country, the next chapter reminded people of the cruel war and  sacrifice of the people, the last chapter depicted modern life and the development of the country.

Musician Hong Kien, choreographer Tran Ly Ly and director Phu Tran teamed up to build the format for the concert.

“The programme saw a large orchestra combining traditional musical instruments and chamber orchestra,” said Kien. “Audiences enjoyed beautiful music, from classical, semi-classical and revolutionary genres.”

“The presence of an audience could be a big motivation for the artists, however due to the pandemic, we decided to present the show without an audience. We believe that millions of viewers will enjoy the show at home.”

Leading singers performed including Tung Duong, Trong Tan, Uyen Linh, Duong Hoang Yen, Oplus band and In The Spotlight band.

Singer Duong said he would be happy to participate in the concert as it is a very special one.

“This is an important concert to celebrate anniversaries of the country,” he said.

“I was born when the country was liberated so I always feel grateful to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives and youth for national independence.”

“The concert will evoke patriotism, the love between peoples, the gratitude to the previous generation and national pride.”

Source:  VNS/ DA NANG Today
