
Exciting summer arts and cultural activities for children

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 11, 2022, 18:18 [GMT+7]

After 2 years of hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, fascinating cultural and entertainment activities along with art camps for children have returned to Da Nang this summer. The carefully prepared activities promise to create beautiful memories for the city’s children, add them with a variety of interesting experiences, as well as develop their interests and talents.

Youth and teenagers visiting the Museum of Da Nang. Photo: XUAN DUNG
Youth and teenagers visiting the Museum of Da Nang. Photo: XUAN DUNG

Many venues in Da Nang are offering a vast array of activities to keep children busy during their summer holiday. The Da Nang Children's Palace is providing gifted and talented education with courses which include dance, modern dance, violin, and piano, and these courses have attracted the participation of more than 1,500 children. In its efforts to create excitement for children, the Da Nang Children's Palace offers children with gifted or accelerated abilities to advance in environments that align with their needs and learning styles. . In addition, the gifted and talented program is designed to help trainees develop their talents through their involvement in such competitions as ‘Shine your talents’, and ‘Green music festival’.

In its efforts to instill a love and appreciation for the arts in the city’s children, the municipal Union of Literature and Arts Associations has worked with the municipal Department of Education and Training to open a Literature and Art Camp for children. This year’s event attracted the participation of 51 gifted children in literature and 40 others in painting. This represented the largest number of participating gifted children to date for the Literature and Art Camp for kids. During their attendance at the camp for more than a month, the gifted children were given training by experienced and dedicated researchers in Literature and Art, writers, poets, and painters across the city. Furthermore, the camp’s attendees were taken to visit some beautiful places in the city to help them enhance their experience and find inspiration in themselves.

Painter Ho Dinh Nam Kha, the Chairman of the Da Nang Fine Arts Association, remarked that many talented children were discovered through their participation of the Literature and Art Camp for Kids as they expressed creativity in identifying themes in their art to create meaningful work as well as choosing the best colour combination.

“Hopefully, these gifted and talented children will follow their passions and play a key role in the city's art movements. In addition, children's talents should be nurtured so that they can grow up to enable them to find a satisfying job in art-related careers such as architecture, fashion, and graphic design", painter Nam Kha said.

The Museum of Da Nang is launching a series of activities under the theme of ‘Hello Summer 2022’ which run from late June until late August, and these events are open to teens and young adults across the city.

Mr Tran Van Chuan from the Museum of Da Nang said that this summer, apart from offering free admission to local children, the museum is launching 5 programs with dozens of activities for teens and young people. Included are ‘Child Narrators’, experience tours, online course themed ‘Traditional Craft Heritage’, Summer Fair and Welcome To The New Academic Year 2022. Moreover, there are many new and attractive actiivities such as child narrators, child entrepreneurs, child archaeologists, and outdoor movie screenings.

“Activities which have been carefully prepared by the Museum of Da Nang promise to bring a new experience to children and help them develop soft skills. In addition, the launching of summer activities for children offers more options to enable parents to make choices that best suit their child as well as help to affirm its position and its role in community education in Da Nang", remarked Mr Chuan.

Reporting by XUAN DUNG – translating by H.L
