
Da Nang needs to develop more public cultural space

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 20, 2023, 11:13 [GMT+7]

In his recent interview granted to the Da Nang Newspaper, People's Artist Huynh Van Hung, former Director of the municipal Department of Culture and Sports, highlighted the important role and position of culture in building Da Nang into a worth-visiting and worth-living city in the time to come.

Visitors at the Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture. Photo: PHUONG UYEN
Visitors at the Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture. Photo: PHUONG UYEN

He affirmed that Da Nang boasts favourable conditions in terms of natural and social factors to become a worth living, but also worth visiting city.

Specifically, in terms of natural factors, the city is endowed with a favorable geographical position and topographical structure, and pleasant climate with mountains, rivers, forests and sea.

As for social factors, on 1 January 1997, Da Nang was recognised as a centrally governed city after Quang Nam-Da Nang Province was officially divided into the 2 administrative divisions of Quang Nam Province and Da Nang. Since then, the Party, the government and people of Da Nang have well implemented urban embellishment and planning management work, and built a civilised urban lifestyle.

He, however, highlighted the vital role of culture in making Da Nang a liveable city in addition to natural beauty and developed economy.

He stressed the need for the city to increase investment in culture so that it develops sustainably and lures more tourists.

Aside from respecting what the nature bestows and minimising human impact, Da Nang needs to continue to uphold its gained achievements over the past time, especially in building the brand of ‘Asia's Leading Festival and Event Destination’, with the successful organisation of such international-scale events as Da Nang International Fireworks Festival, the Asian Beach Games, the IRONMAN 70.3 Viet Nam competition or the upcoming Da Nang Asian Film Festival, Mr. Hung added.

Mr. Hung suggested the city promote the mobilisation of social resources for investment or so-called 'socialisation’ to host increasingly rich and diverse events and festivals, leaving good impression on tourists at both home and abroad.

On the other hand, he pointed out that cultural institutions are also an issue that Da Nang needs to pay attention to developing the city into a worth living and worth visiting destination.

Compared to other localities, Da Nang is currently ranked 3rd in the country after Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City in terms of museum system. The Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture is unique of its kind in the world and the Da Nang Fine Arts Museum is one of the three fine art museums in the country.

Notably, the city is pouring over VND500 billion into building a new Da Nang Museum.

The city has the Trung Vuong Theater and Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theater, plus many cultural institutions at district, ward and commune levels.

However, over the past 15 years, Da Nang has still lacked a municipal-level cultural centre where professional and amateur arts activities will be held and people from all walks of life will come for cultural enjoyment.

Mr. Hung, therefore, underlined a necessity for Da Nang to quickly build this cultural institution, contributing to creating a healthy cultural environment, and promoting the development of the city's culture and art.

Moreover, he suggested Da Nang develop a superficial central square to serve the needs of people's entertainment and cultural activities, as well as allocate land for public works such as traffic, parks, squares, arts performance space and shopping areas in a bid to keep more visitors.

Reporting by XUAN DUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
