
Application of science, technology and innovation in culture

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 18, 2023, 16:56 [GMT+7]

The application of science and technology has contributed to developing culture in a comprehensive way, improving the efficiency of State management, the competitiveness of cultural products and services, sports and tourism, at the same time, implementing the common goals of the national strategy on science, technology and innovation development to 2030 and the industry's development strategies and plans.

Applying science, technology and software in museum activities brings practical effects, promoting cultural and heritage values to the public. Here is the interface of “Digital Heritage Map” of the Museum of Da Nang. Photo: V.H
Applying science, technology and software in museum activities brings practical effects, promoting cultural and heritage values to the public. Here is the interface of “Digital Heritage Map” of the Museum of Da Nang. Photo: V.H

The city's cultural industry has been applying many different tech platforms, software in the management, promotion and improvement of service quality for residents and visitors.

Accordingly, the Da Nang General Science Library has focused on applying chatbox to respond directly to visitors, promoting the use of social networking platforms to inform the library’s operations; deploying reader card registration and online book renewal; providing resources, e-books, digitised address books on the library's database system to readers and visitors.

In addition, the public library system in the area has shared interoperable software, through which people can borrow and return books at any library in the districts.

For the remaining months of 2023, automatic book return machines running on the 24/7 scheme will be applied, making it more convenient for readers to return books without being dependent on the library's operating hours.

According to Ms. Le Thi Bich Phuong, the Director of the Da Nang General Science Library, today, the library is not only a place to store books and newspapers but also a place where people can share, access and be provided with what information they really need.

The application of science and technology in the field of culture, and the library system in particular, has created favourable conditions for readers and visitors to access documents at the library quickly, contributing to innovating activities and service for the digital transformation of the library sector.

Meanwhile, the Da Nang Museum is the pioneer in building the ‘Digital Heritage Map" at https://bandodisandanang.vn. Here, nearly 60 monuments in the city are digitised with information, images, addresses and videos transmitted visually to the public.

Ms. Huynh Thi Dieu Minh, a resident in Nai Hien Dong Ward, Son Tra District said, ‘Digital Heritage Map’ is a very convenient tool for those who love culture and want to learn about the heritages in Da Nang. The integration of all information in the website helps people easily search about the heritage.

“When accessing this website, I find it very useful because I know more monuments in the city. We can also visit some relics online such as the Marble Mountains Special National Relic Site and the Museum of Da Nang.
Director of Da Nang Museum Huynh Dinh Quoc Thien said that in the field of heritage management, the museum has digitised 2D and 3D the heritages in the area, integrated into the ‘Digital Heritage Map’.

This is an effective solution to promote heritage images to the public, and at the same time, it is a repository of all and regularly updated information related to each monument, thereby improving heritage management and helping the local cultural sector add data to implement solutions when restoring relics and heritage.

In addition, the Museum of Da Nang also built a digital bank to store all documentaries on intangible cultural heritage across the city. All artifacts on display at the museum are digitalised via QR codes so that visitors can easily look up relevant information about the artifacts.

“The application of science and technology, software to store and manage heritage, monuments and museum activities brings practical efficiency, contributing to promoting cultural and heritage values to the public, a step to form a museum without limits and without borders”, said Thien.

According to Deputy Director of Da Nang Fine Arts Museum Nguyen Thi Trinh, the agency has always determined that the application of digital technology to museum activities is very necessary through the utility of using many new communication methods.

Accordingly, the museum has built a website and digitised the management of artifacts with the artifact management software integrated with the museum’s official website, made promotional, 3D videos for sightseeing and organised exhibitions, launched online exhibitions, VR360 virtual reality filmmaking, enhanced connection  with the public through social networks such as Facebook, Google, Youtube and Twitter.

In addition, the museum also signed a cooperation agreement with Digital Transformation Solutions Joint Stock Company (VR360), a member of Bizverse, to promote application of new technologies for digital transformation which can be deployed in 3 phases.

Currently, Phase 1 has completed. In Phase 2, the details of each item of the museum will be digitised using 3D scanning technology, in tandem with the use of NFTs - digital tokens of virtual and real-world assets - can be applied to any item, integrating QR technology and virtual MC to explain each exhibit.

Phase 3 will upgrade the interface, update new features, create an exhibition space for the Da Nang Museum of Fine Arts on Metaverse so that viewers can visit from afar with a 360-degree interaction with artifacts.

“Hopefully, these technological improvements will improve the quality of public service and increase the experience for domestic and foreign visitors as well as implement more professionally and effectively the application of digital technology in the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage values, and fine arts heritage in particular, and further widely promote the image of the museum”, said Ms. Trinh.

Reporting by VAN HOANG - Translating by A.THU
