
Da Nang wins 5 prizes at 'Viet Nam Wild Birds' photo contest

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 15, 2023, 17:50 [GMT+7]

Photographers from Da Nang have won five prizes at the 'Viet Nam Wild Birds' contest.

From right are Da Nang's photographers Huynh Van Truyen, Phan Van Phu, Ho Khac Luan, Nguyen Ngoc Vinh, Bui Van Tuan, Truong Huynh Son.
From right are Da Nang's photographers Huynh Van Truyen, Phan Van Phu, Ho Khac Luan, Nguyen Ngoc Vinh, Bui Van Tuan, Truong Huynh Son.

The results were released at the awards and the opening ceremony of the 'Viet Nam Wild Birds' contest which took place at the SC VivoCity Shopping Mall, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday.

Specifically, photographer Huynh Van Truyen won the third prize for his photo of ‘Re Co Do’ (Red-necked Phalarope).

Meanwhile, three consolation prizes went to photographer Nguyen Ngoc Vinh for the ‘Ga Loi Tia’ (Temminck's Tragopan) photo, Phan Van Phu for ‘Ca Kheo Mo Cong’ (Recurvirostra avosetta), and Ho Khac Luan for ‘Coc Bien Bung Trang’ (Fregata andrewsi).

Notably, the Impression Award was given to photographer Nguyen Ngoc Vinh for his photo of ‘Nicoba Pigeon’.

photographer Huynh Van Truyen won the third prize for his photo of ‘Re Co Do’ (Red-necked Phalarope)
Photographer Huynh Van Truyen from Da Nang wins the third prize for his photo of ‘Re Co Do’ (Red-necked Phalarope)

Photographer Huynh Thanh Danh from Ho Chi Minh City won the first prize for his photo of ‘Treo Cay Lung Den’ (Sitta Formosa).

The ‘Viet Nam Wild Birds’ photo contest and exhibition was jointly organised by the BirdLife International Bird Conservation Association, the Wildtour Company, the Viet Nam Bird Conservation Association, and the Ho Chi Minh City Photography Association (HOPA) under the sponsorship of Maple Tree, Le Bao Minh - Canon Vietnam, and LEXAR.

After one month of launching from August 1-30, 2023, the contest's organisers received 469 photos from 141 domestic and foreign photographers. The jury selected 59 best photos of 34 photographers to award and display at the exhibition.

The photo exhibition lasts until October 19.

Reporting by THU DUYEN - Translating by M.DUNG
