
11 awards given to excellent traffic culture photos

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 26, 2023, 17:45 [GMT+7]

A closing and awards ceremony for a photo contest about traffic culture in Da Nang in 2023 took place at the APEC Sculpture Park on Monday.

The exhibition featuring photos of traffic culture in Da Nang takes place at the APEC Sculpture Park until January 5, 2024. Photo: X.D
The exhibition featuring photos of traffic culture in Da Nang takes place at the APEC Sculpture Park until January 5, 2024. Photo: X.D

Co-organised by the municipal Department of Culture and Sports, the Traffic Safety Committee, and the city’s Art Photography Association, the contest aimed to create a source of photos in order to carry out propaganda work on ensuring traffic order and safety in particular, and traffic culture in general in the locality.

After nearly 2 months of launching, the contest’s organisers received 216 entries, including 14 collections of photos and 202 single photos, from 37 photographers.

In general, most of the entries were diverse and creative in perspective, context, vehicles and characters, relatively fully reflecting the traffic situation of Da Nang. In particular, there were many amazing photos of people's awareness about road safety and preventing accidents, and those of traffic police force on duty.

As a result, 40 outstanding photos with a realistic and vivid perspective on traffic culture in Da Nang were chosen to display. The exhibition of these photos lasts until January 1, 2024.

The first prize was awarded to photographer Nguyen Huu Duc for his work "A propaganda session on traffic safety at school".

Photos "Smiles in the Rain" by photographer Le Huynh Nghia and "Traffic Culture in Schools" by Nguyen Thi Lien won the second prizes.

The third prizes went to the works "For a peaceful city", "Helping the old lady cross the street", and "Stopping at red lights to yield to pedestrians". In addition, there were five Consolation prizes for good quality works.

Reporting by X.DUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
