
Hai Van Gate restoration project about to reach finish line

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 14, 2024, 15:00 [GMT+7]

After two years of preserving, repairing and restoring Hai Van Gate national relic site, the project’s main work items have been completed by the contractors, with quality and aesthetic requirements ensured. Currently, the authorities of Da Nang and neighbouring Thua Thien Hue Province are urgently completing the final stages of the project, agreeing on plans to promote this monument’s values to welcome visitors in the first quarter of 2024.

The work of preserving, repairing, restoring and promoting the value of Hai Van Gate relic site is gradually being completed. Photo: X.D
The work of preserving, repairing, restoring and promoting the value of Hai Van Gate relic site is gradually being completed. Photo: X.D

Try to complete final tasks

Work commenced on the project to preserve, restore and promote the value of Hai Van Gate relic site on December 19, 2021. Jointly invested by the Hue Monuments Conservation Centre and the Da Nang Department of Culture and Sports, the project has been implemented in two years with a total investment of more than VND42 billion. Up to now, the shape of the project has clearly appeared at the top of the Hai Van Pass with progress reaching about 90% of the construction volume.

According to the Hue Monuments Conservation Centre, currently the project has basically completed the following items, including Hai Van Gate and 'Thien ha de nhat hung quan' (The World’s most marvelous wonder), blockhouses, earth retaining walls, drainage ditches, Nguyen Dynasty's city wall system, side gates, guard towers, railings, the installation of the roof system, the paving of the floors of Tru So and Vu Kho houses. The items were restored on the principle of preserving the current status and preserving the original elements. For example, the two majestic gates of Hai Van Gate and 'Thien ha de nhat hung quan'  item were demolished by the construction units because the structures were not original elements of the Nguyen Dynasty's architecture. At the same time, focus was on restoring the railings, handrails and steps from the citadel wall with mallet bricks of similar size and colour to the original brick system at the site. Similarly, the Nguyen Dynasty's wall system also had non-original elements removed whilst the wall foundations were reinforced and the wall system was restored with mountain stones and triple mortar.

Currently, the construction units are on track to implement the underground work of the 22kV medium voltage cable across the project, continuing to complete the remaining work of the technical infrastructure system. Deputy Director of the Hue Monuments Conservation Centre cum Head of the Project Management Board Phan Van Tuan said that the reason the project progress must be longer than the contract plan is that the changing weather on Hai Van Pass. Complicated, frequent heavy rains and procedures related to 22kV power lines must be resolved.

“Some items of the previous project could not be completely completed because of power lines, but now they have been resolved. Relevant units are trying to complete the remaining work of the project before February 1, ensuring quality and technique. It is expected that technical acceptance will be held to complete the project and hand it over for use in the first quarter of 2024,” Mr. Tuan said.

Promote the value of relics

After completing the project, a very important task for the functional branches of the two localities is to effectively promote the value of this national historical and cultural relic, contributing to the socio-economic development of Da Nang and Thua Thien Hue.

According to Mr. Phan Van Tuan, currently functional units are actively advising leaders of the two localities on solutions to promote the value of Hai Van Gate to serve the socio-economic situation. However, the spirit is that in the future, monuments must generate revenue to at least serve maintenance, maintenance and media promotion. To do this, Hai Van Gate needs to have specific activities and programmes associated with the monument. In particular, the monument management board will invest in an interpretation system to serve visitors, displaying artifacts related to the formation and development of the project, the exhibition of weapons and military equipment of the Nguyen Dynasty. After that, it is a need research and organize activities to promote the monument, such as a programme recreating the historical past with the present, a bicycle race with the destination at the top of Hai Van Pass and other activities.

Regarding this issue, Director of the Da Nang Museum Huynh Dinh Quoc Thien said that in the immediate future, both localities will jointly manage and establish a joint relic management board, taking care of security and order, environmental sanitation and media promotion. Temporarily, after being put into use, thee Hai Van Gate relic site does not charge entrance fees and is open to welcome visitors freely.

The issue of fee collection will be agreed upon by the two localities in the future. With a regard to display solutions, at the Hai Van Gate, there will be QR codes introducing the formation process and historical stages of the monument to visitors. Inside the Tru So and Vu Kho houses will organise a display space, introduce a number of artifacts and the screening of 3D movies to increase the experience for local residents and tourists when coming to the relic site.

“Hai Van Gate is a historical work, entering the memories of many generations of people. The Hai Van Pass itself has long been a very famous destination. Therefore, the functional units of the two localities will try to maximize the value of this monument, making it an attractive, not-to-miss destination for domestic and foreign tourists.”, said Mr. Thien.

Reporting by X.DUNG - Translating by A.THU
