Wednesday, 26/3/2025 5:47 [GMT+7]
Da Nang 24 - 31 ºC

Art exhibition "Da Nang 50 Years - Aspiration to Rise"

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 19, 2025, 17:39 [GMT+7]

The art exhibition "Da Nang 50 Years - Aspiration to Rise" will take place at Da Nang’s APEC Sculpture Park from March 23 - May 2.

Da Nang Night by photographer Than Nguyen. (Photo: Organizing Committee)
'Da Nang Night' by photographer Than Nguyen will be present in the exhibition. (Photo: the Organizing Committee)

Hosted by the city’s Union of Literature and Arts Associations, the exhibition will introduce to the public more than 300 outstanding works in three fields of fine arts, photography and architecture. All artworks recognise the great contributions of generations of artists, photographers and architects in building and developing the city over the past five decades.

During the exhibition, there will be accompanying and exchange activities organised by the Union, providing the opportunity for artists and art lovers to connect and discuss works of art, creative styles, and messages of the works.

Reporting by DOAN LUONG - Translating by M.DUNG, T.TUNG
