
University of Da Nang cooperates with local hospitals to train medical workers

Published: April 16, 2014

On Tuesday, the University of Da Nang entered a cooperation agreement with the General, C, Maternity and Paediatrics, and Military 17 hospitals for training medical staff.

Under the agreement, the Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty of the university will train high-quality medical workers for the hospitals.  In addition, a focus will be on organising workshops to introduce the university’s students to job opportunities at the hospitals.

Meanwhile, the hospitals will co-ordinate with the university to develop training programmes and will become involved in teaching if required.  Special attention will also be on offering internships and jobs to the university’s medical students, as well as updating training programmes in the Medicine and Pharmacy sector.

The faculty now has 40 staff members and lecturers, of whom 3 are Doctors, 12 are Masters and 2 staff members are studying abroad.  At present, 600 students are being provided with training courses in pharmacy at intermediate level and nursing at intermediate and university levels.  In addition, the university is cooperating with the Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy to provide university level courses for 120 intermediate graduates.

As from this year, the faculty will offer a 6-year training programme for general medical practitioners.
