
Contest promotes Viet Nam-Israel technology links

Published: September 09, 2014

A competition to support scientific-technological start-ups in Viet Nam was launched at a ceremony held in Ha Noi on September 8.

The contest is launched in Hanoi on Sept. 8 (Photo: ictnews.vn)
The contest is launched in Hanoi on Sept. 8 (Photo: ictnews.vn)

Jointly organised by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Israeli Embassy, the competition for young entrepreneurs working in the fields of mobile communications, web design, agriculture and life science is expected to help the contestants learn from Israel’s experiences.

Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Tran Van Tung underlined the significance of the Party and State’s policies in promoting the development of science-technology and improving the competitiveness of enterprises as well as the economy.

He revealed that the sector hopes to see the establishment of 3,000 sci-tech enterprises by 2015.

Israeli Ambassador Meirav Eilon Shahar shared her country’s experiences in developing sci-tech firms with Viet Nam.

She said she hopes the contest would forge links between young Vietnamese and Israeli businesses.

