
Dong A University opens second facility

Published: July 25, 2016

Last Saturday, Da Nang’s Dong A University (DAU) officially opened its second facility at 33 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh in Hai Chau District.

Cutting the ribbon at the inauguration ceremony
Cutting the ribbon at the inauguration ceremony

The new 10-storey building has a total floor area of 18,600 square metres and it features 140 functional rooms.  Amongst them are 10 IT laboratories, 15 English practice rooms, 7 large lecture halls, a total of 24 vocational practice rooms, an e-library and a meeting hall.

Municipal People's Committee Vice Chairman Ho Ky Minh expressed his delight at the remarkable achievements gained by DAU over recent years, and the university’s great efforts in enhancing its infrastructure to facilitate its lecturers and students in their activities.

The city leader remarked “The focus should be on offering more intensive training courses which are consistent with the practical requirements and meet the demand of the labour market, such as in nursing, tourism, hotel management, and IT.  Also, importance should be attached to boosting bilateral cooperative programmes with the university’s partners in other countries like Japan and ASEAN member nations in order to enhance the quality of its teaching activities”.

   Mr Vo Van Luu (2nd right) receiving the donations
Mr Vo Van Luu (2nd right) receiving the donations

A book café was also opened in the new facility, and the university will become the city’s pioneer in offering this kind of service to the public.  Hundreds of books about food safety, environment and life skills, along with documents proving Viet Nam's sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos, are available here. 

A total of 30 million VND was raised by DAU’s students to help Mr Vo Van Luu who is the owner of fishing boat QNg 90479-TS from Quang Ngai Province.  His boat was attacked and sunk by Chinese vessels on 9 July whilst it was operating near the Hoang Sa islands.
