
Education agreement signed with Japanese University

Published: July 18, 2018

On Tuesday, the Da Nang-based Dong A University (DAU), and the Junsei Educational Institution (JEI) of Japan’s Kibi International University, together signed an education agreement in vocational training.

Their commitment will focus on expanding collaboration in providing learning opportunities and creating job opportunities in Japan for Vietnamese trainees in aspects of nursing, preschool education, tourism and business administration.

Under the agreement, DAU and JEI will implement the vocational training programmes under the 2+2.5 and 2+3 forms.

In detail, Vietnamese students will study the N3 level of Japanese language and some subjects at DAU in the first 2 years.

They will then go to Okayama Prefecture’s Takahashi City for studying some major subjects, taking part in internship programmes, and enhancing their Japanese skills for between 2.5 and 3 years.

After finishing their training programmes in Japan, Vietnamese students will graduate with degrees from the Kibi International University.

After graduation, the trainees will have the opportunity to work in businesses, and medical and preschool establishments in Japan’s Takahashi City.
