
Role of women in tech industry

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 24, 2022, 14:26 [GMT+7]

In the young technology community in Da Nang, women are gradually asserting their important positions, having many opportunities to master their careers and achieving certain success.

Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Che Thi Nhon Tam and Le Truc (from left to right) are seen at a community event about technology in Da Nang. Photo: L.X
Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Che Thi Nhon Tam and Le Truc (from left to right) are seen at a community event about technology in Da Nang. Photo: L.X

The power of women in technology

At the Women TechMaker Danang 2022 in early April 2022, Mrs. Tran Hanh Trang, CEO cum Founder of the Enouvo Group located in An Hai Bac Ward, Son Tra District, had interesting sharing about the role and strengths of women in technology activities.

According to Mrs. Trang, modern women do not lack any qualities to dedicate themselves to tech industry that is usually reserved for men.

She said "Women are full of confidence, energy and passion for the profession. They are flexible in their work, and they are adaptable to better suit any situation. Aside from their competence, women are also warm, patient, and are not afraid to cope with difficulties. At the same time, they have the ability to multitask and manage everything thoughtfully and effectively”.

Sharing the same opinion, Mrs. Che Thi Nhon Tam, a Business Analyst at the mgm Technology Partners VietNam software company based in Hai Chau District, underlined that “IT is a rather ‘dry’ industry. In the daily cooperation between colleagues, or between the company and customers, there are always arguments, or there are problems that need to be discussed, and are not always resolved by software solutions, but also need many other factors. At that time, women's softness, flexibility, ability to evaluate and recognize small points and hidden corners of affairs bring a lot of advantages, thereby ensuring that everything is handled thoroughly, reasonably and reasonably".

As a role of a quality assurance manager, Mrs. Le Truc who is working at the SmartDev Da Nang Development Centre in Thach Thang Ward, Hai Chau District, acknowledged women have the ability to understand and express ourselves delicately and easily into people's hearts, so they need to thoroughly promote these strengths.

“In order to balance everything, in addition to technical expertise, soft skills are equally important, which is considered to be the top factor that I focus on in training and leading newcomers to the profession” added she.

Many development opportunities offered to women

In modern society, women are having a lot of opportunities to assert themselves in the field of technology.

As illustration, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, a software engineer at the Hai Chau District-based One Tech Stop Viet Nam Company, has four years of experience in the field of Mobile programming. And, she plays an indispensable role in the company's iOS and Flutter projects.

Thao remarked most people think that it was very difficult for women to work in the tech industry which requires employees to face pressure to work long hours, be consistently productive, play multiple roles, and meet urgent or unpredictable deadlines. But the reality proves the opposite. Women have a multi-dimensional view at work as bringing different perspectives to the project, thereby helping the product to meet the needs of users. That makes them respected, have more opportunities for advancement and improve their quality of life”.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Che Thi Nhon Tam who is a Bachelor's degree holder of the English language but works in technology field, underlined that the lack of professional training background is quite a challenge. But that obstacle motivates her to keep trying.

“I keep learning every day because the world of technology moves so fast. I take advantage of the time after work to participate in professional improvement courses, and actively learn experience from my colleagues. Health is also a concern because sitting in front of a computer for too long can cause back pain, eye strain, and headaches. In order to maintain endurance and flexibility, I also often jog, practice yoga, learn to dance and play badminton," said Ms. Tam.

Similarly, at Ms. Le Truc's company, everyone's voice is heard, especially women who receive favour and enthusiastic support from their superiors. Women are facilitated to share knowledge, foster expertise, and develop their abilities in many different fields.

Reporting by LO XO - Translating by M.DUNG
