
Building a typical digital transformation model in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 26, 2023, 13:53 [GMT+7]

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired the 5th meeting of the National Committee for Digital Transformation which used virtual meeting technology, on Saturday morning.

PM Pham Minh Chinh spoke at the event
PM Pham Minh Chinh delivers his remarks at the virtual event

Da Nang People's Committee Vice Chairwoman Ngo Thi Kim Yen presided the event at the broadcast point in the city.

During the event, PM Chinh emphasised that digital transformation is a key task that must be carried out regularly and continuously at all levels, sectors and localities, with the active participation of the whole population, but with a focus and priority to avoid overlapping and wastefulness.

Digital government is a key driving force leading the building of a digital economy, digital citizenship and digital society, contributing to successfully realising the Resolution adopted by the 13th National Party Congress. The people and businesses should be at the centre and a motivation to be provided with better quality services, he said.

About future key tasks, the PM asked the National Committee for Digital Transformation and relevant steering committees of ministries, agencies and localities to promptly build their own plans this year, focusing on the theme of the National Year of Digital Data, with clear roadmaps, goals and responsibilities of those involved.

It is a must to launch 53 key public services in line with the Scheme 06 and the PM’s Decision 422/QD-TTg, connect online public services with the National Public Service Portal to save time and costs, mitigate corruption and negative phenomena, he said.

Citizens are not required to submit residential status certificates while handling administrative procedures, PM Chinh stressed.

Specific tasks were also assigned to the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Justice, the State Bank of Vietnam, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Vice Chairwoman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ngo Thi Kim Yen presided the event at the broadcast point in the city.
Vice Chairwoman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ngo Thi Kim Yen presided the event at the broadcast point in the city.

Da Nang has many initiatives, experience for localities

According to the summary report about key tasks relating to national digital transformation in 2023 and a draft about the 2023 operation plan of the National Committee for Digital Transformation, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung remarked the theme of the National Digital Data Year - 2023 was ‘Creating and exploiting digital data to create new value for colleges’ with focuses on protecting personal data, publicising and building databases at ministerial, branch and local levels, open data and secure data.

Accordingly, the National Committee for Digital Transformation monitored and urgeed Da Nang to implement a typical digital transformation city model, with concentration on issuing an action plan to implement the digital transformation city model in the first quarter of 2023, preliminarily reviewing the model implementation in September 2023 and reviewing the implementation of the model in December 2023.

In addition, Da Nang was directed to implement general and comprehensive digital transformation on all three pillars of digital government, digital economy and digital society in all districts, wards and communes citywide.

Regarding the central action plan of the National Digital Data Year, Deputy Minister Nguyen Huy Dung said the Open Data Month will be launched in April 2023.

Ministries, sectors and localities were asked to issue a plan on open data in April so that by August 2023, all ministries, branches and localities will complete the first access to open data as planned.

“Ministries, sectors and localities need to refer to the open data practices of Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City which have made open data very effectively and efficiently" emphasised Deputy Minister Nguyen Huy Dung.

May will be designated as Specialised Database Month. This month, the Ministry of Information and Communications will organise online training courses on specialised database development. All ministries, branches and localities shall build, promulgate and update the list of databases under their management, together with a specific roadmap for building and deploying the databases in the list.

On that basis, the Ministry of Information and Communications announced version 1.0 of the national data mapping system. For this, ministries, branches and localities can refer to the results and ways of making specialised databases of a number of ministries, branches and localities that do well, including Da Nang.

August will be Data Manpower Month. Ministries and branches will popularise digital skills, as well as foster and train through a mass open online learning platform. They can refer to the results and practices of some localities that have done well in 2022, including Da Nang.

As for online public services, Deputy Minister Nguyen Huy Dung said that in fact, at present, more than 70% of administrative procedures could be integrated onto the National Public Service Portal. For instance, Da Nang has integrated 95% of public services onto the National Public Service Portal.

Deputy Minister Nguyen Huy Dung suggested localities consult Da Nang's initiatives and experience in publicising standardisation guidelines and improving user experience to enhance the quality of online public services; issuing a policy to reduce online processing time compared to in-person processing time to encourage people to use online public services; and deploying ‘virtual assistants’ to guide and support people to use online public services.

Reporting by HOANG HIEP - Translating by M.DUNG
