
'Make in Viet Nam Digital Technology Product' Awards 2023 launched

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 10, 2023, 07:58 [GMT+7]

The Vietnamese Ministry of Information and Communications has just launched the 'Make in Viet Nam Digital Technology Product' Awards 2023.

Illustrative image. (Photo: https://vietnam.postsen.com)
Illustrative image. (Photo: https://vietnam.postsen.com)

This is the fourth year the awards have been held. They aim to honour excellent digital technology products that have a great impact in bringing people and businesses' activities to the digital environment, contributing to promoting the digital government, digital economy and digital society in Viet Nam.

At the same time, it honours Vietnamese digital technology products, services and solutions that conquer the world, contribute to the development of mankind and prosper Viet Nam.

The participants are enterprises established under Vietnamese law (if the business is foreign investment capital, at least 51% of the stake is owned by Vietnamese investors) and non-business units and organisations whose digital technology products are researched, designed, created and manufactured in Viet Nam and put into practice.

The category 'Potential digital products' only applies to non-business organisations, small and medium –sized enterprises or creative startups.

Excellent digital technology products are awarded in five categories, four of which remain the same as in 2022: excellent digital products for the digital government; excellent digital products for the digital economy; excellent digital products for digital society; potential digital products.

The fifth new category is the 'Excellent digital technology products for foreign markets' that honours businesses with excellent digital products, services and solutions that have been successful in the international market; at the same time encouraging and cheering Vietnamese digital technology enterprises to aspire to go to the world.

Applications for the awards should be submmited at website giathuong.makeinvietnam.mic.gov.vn. no later than October 12, 2023.

This is a prestigious award in the field of information technology and communication (ICT), which is reviewed and awarded annually to Vietnamese organisations and enterprises with excellent digital technology products, which are researched, designed, created and manufactured in Viet Nam to solve Vietnamese problems and go international.

In order to bring products to users, this year's awards will honour excellent digital technology products, bring the pride of Vietnamese wisdom, which have a great impact and influence in bringing the activities of the government, people and businesses to the digital environment.

Reporting by MAI QUE -  Translating by A.THU
