
Da Nang expands training in semiconductor chip industry

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 11, 2024, 11:36 [GMT+7]

Grasping the attractive opportunity of the semiconductor chip human resource market, a number of universities in Da Nang have opened specialised training in this field in the recently- announced 2024 enrollment plan.

Lecturer of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the University of Education and Technology, a member school of the University of Da Nang, guides students in designing intelligent control systems. Photo: NGOC HA
Lecturer of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the University of Education and Technology, a member school of the University of Da Nang, guides students in designing intelligent control systems. Photo: NGOC HA

Schools enter ‘racetrack’

According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Cao Tho, the Principal of the University of Technical Education, a member school of the University of Da Nang (UD), in recent times, the school has recruited and trained undergraduate students in majors related to the field of electricity. electronics, telecommunications and computer engineering. In the training programme for these majors, students are provided with knowledge and skills related to ICs such as IC technology, digital IC design, embedded programming and IoTs technology.

However, facing the urgent needs of the semiconductor chip human resource market, the school implemented a project to open a major in IC design and enroll the first engineering course in 2024 with about 50 students. At the same time, the school is completing the development of a master's degree training project on IoT and semiconductor ICs.

In addition, the school actively participates in conferences, seminars as well as working sessions with the city leaders, leading representatives of corporations and businesses in the field of semiconductor chips, in order to seek new cooperation opportunities to develop human resource training in the field of microchips at the school.

Similarly, according to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hong Hai, the Vice Principal of the University of Science and Technology, a member school of the UD, in the 2024 enrollment season, the school will open a new major in microelectronics - circuit design to provide human resources with in-depth expertise in the field of semiconductor ICs. It is expected that the school will recruit about 100 candidates. This segment mainly prioritises consideration of high school graduation exam results and separate admissions.

Another member school of the UD, the Viet Nam - Korea University of Information Technology and Communications has opened a new semiconductor circuit design major with 40-student enrollment quotas. The school also plans to transfer 180 students from related majors to semiconductor circuit design and deploy rapid training classes and coordinate training with businesses that plan to enroll and train 60-100 students on an annual basis.

 Students of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the University of Education and Technology, a member school of the University of Da Nang, are joining a practical class. Photo: NGOC HA
Students of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the University of Education and Technology, a member school of the University of Da Nang, are joining a practical class. Photo: NGOC HA

Developing human resources in semiconductor chip industry

To prepare for enrollment in the semiconductor circuit industry, based on available facilities and human resources, schools are promoting cooperation with businesses and invest in modern laboratories. As reported by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Cao Tho, the school employs a team of full-time lecturers with expertise in electronics and computer engineering related to the field of semiconductors, including 2 associate professors and 8 doctors of science, make the most of the faculty resources of the UD in the specialized field of IC design.

In addition, from cooperative relationships, the school will invite highly-qualified experts from domestic and foreign corporations and businesses to guide business internships. In the immediate future, the school will send a team of lecturers to training courses to foster in-depth expertise in microchip technology through programmes launched by the city, the national government and microchip businesses.

The University of Education and Technology is in the process of completing an ODA capital investment project to build a semiconductor chip laboratory and an Internet of Things (IoT) system with a server system and copyrighted software for training IC design, semiconductor chip measuring and testing equipment and the hardware systems of new generation IoT platforms.

The UD, in 2023, signed a memorandum of alliance cooperation with the Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi national universities and the Ha Noi University of Science and Technology and the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology on developing high-quality human resources in the semiconductor chip industry.

The goal of the signing is to promote the potential and strengths of its member schools to unify action plans and expand with Vietnamese higher education institutions to rapidly increase the number, improve the quality and efficiency of high quality human resources for the semiconductor industry and promote scientific research, technology transfer, and innovation from Vietnamese higher education institutions, to effectively cooperate with semiconductor businesses in the global semiconductor chip value chain from now till 2030 and vision towards 2045.

In order to meet the human resource demands for large enterprises, educational managers believe that it is necessary to screen inputs and have policies to support students in the semiconductor circuit industry.

“As a major that predicts a huge demand for human resources in the near future, students studying this major will have the opportunity to receive scholarships from businesses. However, this is also a field that requires engineers, in addition to extensive professional knowledge, to have a special interest in detailed design work, always be eager to learn, update knowledge and technology trends, enhance effective independent and teamwork skills and have foreign language skills to acquire knowledge, technology and work in an international environment. Therefore, the entrance needs to recruit candidates with backgrounds in mathematics, physics and foreign languages. The school will have priority policies to support students majoring in this major so that they have the motivation to excel and develop yourself, complete their learning tasks and meet the needs of society and businesses", Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Cao Tho said.

Da Nang University enrolls nearly 15,000 students
In 2024, the Da Nang University’s member schools will open new majors to meet the needs of society. In detail, the University of Education will opened 2 new majors: electric car technology and IC design, as well as open Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) majors. The University of Science and Technology will open new majors: Electronics and Telecommunications and Microelectronics - Circuit Design. The Viet Nam - Korea University of Information Technology and Communications will recruit new students with 4 training majors: Semiconductor Circuit Design, Marketing, Communication Technology, and Information Security.

Reporting by NGOC HA - Translating by A.THU
