
10 Signs of avoidance, pushing responsibilities, failure to perform duties, lack of accountability, tasks, roles, and authorities of officials, party members, civil servants

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 26, 2023, 11:28 [GMT+7]

Directive No. 34-CT/TU dated October 27, 2023, issued by the Standing Committee of the Da Nang Party Committee on "Continuing to promote administrative reforms, strengthen discipline, regulations, address the issues of evasion, shirking responsibilities, failure to perform duties, and fulfilling the responsibilities, tasks, and authorities of a segment of officials, party members, civil servants, and employees in the current situation," outlines 10 indicators of the situation involving evasion, shirking responsibilities, failure to perform duties, and not fully carrying out the responsibilities, tasks, and authorities of officials, party members, civil servants, and employees.


  Designing by THANH HUYEN - Translating by T.VY
