
Tuy Loan Village Communal House Festival

Published: March 02, 2015

The Tuy Loan Village Communal House was built in 1889 in the reign of Emperor Thanh Thai, and it was recognised as a national-level historical and cultural relic in 1999 by the Ministry of Culture and Information.  Many royal honour-conferring diplomas from the Nguyen dynasty are stored there.

The traditional Tuy Loan Village Communal House Festival is held annually on the 9th and 10th days of the 1st lunar month.  The event aims to remind the younger generations of long-lasting traditions as well as to preserve and promote the village’s cultural identity.

This year’s event was held last Saturday morning and it featured many solemn traditional festive activities and exciting folk games.

Here are some photos, taken by reporter Dang Van No, which show the bustling and exciting atmosphere at the festival.

A solemn aspiration ceremony was held at the village’s Dang Family worshipping house on 27 February (9th day of the 1st lunar month).
A solemn aspiration ceremony was held at the village’s Dang Family worshipping house on 27 February (9th day of the 1st lunar month).
Local senior citizens in traditional costume in a procession of deities.
Local senior citizens in traditional costume in a procession of deities.
A royal honour – ceremony to confer diplomas.
A royal honour – ceremony to confer diplomas.
The royal diplomas on a palanquin carried by 4 local men.
The royal diplomas on a palanquin carried by 4 local men.
Local pupils beat drums whilst local women in ao dai carry festive flags.
Local pupils beat drums whilst local women in ao dai carry festive flags.
  A prayer ceremony in front of the communal house.
A prayer ceremony in front of the communal house.
  Receiving the royal diplomas.
Receiving the royal diplomas.
The Phuc–Loc–Tho (happiness, prosperity, longevity) musical performance.
The Phuc–Loc–Tho (happiness, prosperity, longevity) musical performance.
 A senior citizen beating the drum to begin the festival.
A senior citizen beating the drum to begin the festival.
Local residents in Tet cake wrapping …
Local residents in Tet cake wrapping …
 … and rice paper grilling competitions.
… and rice paper grilling competitions.
  A traditional boat race on the Tuy Loan River.
A traditional boat race on the Tuy Loan River.
   Crazy atmosphere at an eel-catching contest …
Crazy atmosphere at an eel-catching contest …
  … and a climbing-for-bananas competition.
… and a climbing-for-bananas competition.
 A bai choi (singing while acting as playing cards) folk singing performance.
A bai choi (singing while acting as playing cards) folk singing performance.
  Bustling atmosphere at the festival.
Bustling atmosphere at the festival.




