
Hard at work in the sedge fields of Tam Quan village

Published: July 03, 2015

In the summer months, the numerous vast sedge fields around Binh Dinh Province’s Tam Quan village are dotted with hard-working farmers.  Every year, the village welcomes a large number of visitors who want to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere in this rural area.

Here are some photos which show the farmers hard at work in the sedge fields.  They were taken by reporter Dang Van No during his recent trip to the locality.

 Sedges are cut manually by sickle
Sedges are cut manually by sickle
  Farmers choosing the best sedge branches…
Farmers choosing the best sedge branches…
   … and carry them out of the fields.
… and carry them out of the fields.
 Then, the sedges are split …
Then, the sedges are split …
 … and dried under the sun.
… and dried under the sun.

