
Impressive moments from Tuong performance

Published: September 10, 2016

Over 700 experienced artistes from 11 arts troupes nationwide participated in the 2016 National Tuong (classic drama) and Traditional Folk Opera Contest, which took place in Da Nang from 20 to 29 August.

The 10-day event featured 17 impressive performances, 10 of which were classic dramas.  Each performance was required to last between 90 and 150 minutes, and had to depict Viet Nam’s past battles against its enemies. 

The contest is an annual rendezvous for professional artistes to showcase their talents. 

Below are some photos taken during this year’s performances by local photographer Dinh Lo.

‘Bi Kich Hoang De Thi Si’ (Poetic Emperor’s Tragedy) by the Hue Traditional and Royal Arts Theatre
‘Bi Kich Hoang De Thi Si’ (Poetic Emperor’s Tragedy) by the Hue Traditional and Royal Arts Theatre
‘Phuc Than Thoai Ngoc Hau’ (Good Mandarin Thoai Ngoc Hau) by Da Nang’s Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre
‘Phuc Than Thoai Ngoc Hau’ (Good Mandarin Thoai Ngoc Hau) by Da Nang’s Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre
‘Nuoc Non Cua Phat’ (A Buddhist Country) by the Dao Tan Tuong Theatre from Binh Dinh Province
‘Nuoc Non Cua Phat’ (A Buddhist Country) by the Dao Tan Tuong Theatre from Binh Dinh Province
‘Tim Lai Coi Nguon’ (Back to the Roots) by the Hue Traditional and Royal Arts Theatre
‘Tim Lai Coi Nguon’ (Back to the Roots) by the Hue Traditional and Royal Arts Theatre
‘Nhu Nhung Tuong Dai’ (Look Like Monuments) by the Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre
‘Nhu Nhung Tuong Dai’ (Look Like Monuments) by the Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre
‘Tran Quy Cap’ by the Quang Nam Province Opera Troupe
‘Tran Quy Cap’ by the Quang Nam Province Opera Troupe

