
Amazing beauty of Son Tra Nature Reserve

Published: May 12, 2017

When summer comes, Da Nang's Son Tra Nature Reserve boasts its enchanting scenery thanks to a large number of colourful and fragrant flowers.

Da Nang photographer Le Phuoc Chin, who has a great passion for photography, often captures stunning summer moments at this beautiful site.  Here are some of his photos.

‘Mot Thoang Tigon’ (A Moment of Coral Vine)
‘Mot Thoang Tigon’ (A Moment of Coral Vine)
‘Hoa Bo Cap Vang’ (Golden Scorpion Flower)
‘Hoa Bo Cap Vang’ (Golden Scorpion Flower)
‘Sac Tim Hoa Sim’ (Purple Colour of Rose Myrtle)
‘Sac Tim Hoa Sim’ (Purple Colour of Rose Myrtle)
‘Bang Lang Nui’ (Mountainous Giant Crape-myrtle)
‘Bang Lang Nui’ (Mountainous Giant Crape-myrtle)
Flowers of the ‘Mat Den’ tree - the favourite food of red-shanked douc langurs
Flowers of the ‘Mat Den’ tree - the favourite food of red-shanked douc langurs

