
Team USA-performed fireworks display conveys messages of friendship and gratefulness

Published: June 30, 2018

At 8.30pm on Saturday, the grand finale, themed ‘Friendship’, of the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival (DIFF) 2018 began with a wonderful fireworks display by Atlas PyroVision from the USA.

The performance by the US team began with heart-warming ballad music to pay tribute to much loved marketing and events maestro Joe Ghazzal, the former Director of Global 2000 International from Malaysia, the consultants for DIFF 2018.

The late Director who passed away in November 2017 has made great dedication to the success of the Da Nang International Fireworks Competition (DIFC), currently known as DIFF, over the past 10 years.

In the spotlight was the pace creating layer upon layer of increasing strength leading to a triumphant climax at the end of the US show in a bid to produce a mightily impressive pyrotechnic performance.

Mrs Babara Ruddell Pelkey, the US team’s leader, said that music used in her team’s performance was meticulously selected, highlighting the noble spirit of friendship in line with the official theme of the grand finale.

In particular, glittering, sparkling and splendid images of a bridge of friendship were painted in the sparkling city sky, highly impressing the pyro-lovers.

