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Beautiful images of beach cleaners

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 29, 2019, 16:13 [GMT+7]

Sanitation workers from the Song Bien Environment Factory of the Da Nang Urban Environment JSC are responsible for keeping beaches clean and safe. Their working day starts very early.

Let's have a look at sanitation workers’ morning routine for work through some beautiful photos captured by our freelance photographer Kha Thinh.

Sanitation workers from the Song Bien Environment Factory taking the responsibility for clearing trash in rivers, seas, and the Tho Quang Fishing Wharf.
Sanitation workers from the Song Bien Environment Factory taking the responsibility for clearing trash in rivers, seas, and the Tho Quang Fishing Wharf.
Their working day begins early in the morning when the first rays of sunlight appear in Da Nang's skyline.
Their working day begins early in the morning when the first rays of sunlight appear in Da Nang's skyline.
With rakes and trash baskets, sanitation workers collecting a large number of bottles, bottle caps, empty beer cans, and snails
With rakes and trash baskets, sanitation workers collecting a large number of bottles, bottle caps, empty beer cans, and snails
Trash discarded on beaches adversely affects the aesthetics of the urban landscape, and endangers beach-goers. Therefore, sanitation workers have to collect trash regularly and carefully.
Trash discarded on beaches adversely affects the aesthetics of the urban landscape, and endangers beach-goers. Therefore, sanitation workers have to collect trash regularly and carefully.
Sanitation workers clearing trash in a beach
Sanitation workers clearing trash in a beach
 Beach cleaners work very hard day by day for a green, clean, beautiful and safe beach
Beach cleaners work very hard day by day for a green, clean, beautiful and safe beach

