Monday, 24/2/2025 3:9 [GMT+7]
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Explore Dai Lanh Cape to see first sunrise in Viet Nam

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 10, 2019, 10:50 [GMT+7]

Located along the south-central coast, Phu Yen Province is blessed with many beautiful places, including the ancient Mang Lang Church, Ghenh Da Dia (The Cliff of Stone Plates), and the mysterious Nhan Tower.

Amongst, the Dai Lanh Cape (also known as Dien Cape) is very inviting to both domestic and foreign visitors thanks to its magnificent, dreamy and pristine beauty. The site is considered as easternmost point of mainland Viet Nam where you can see the first sunrise in the country.

Let's explore this beautiful place through stunning photos taken by our freelancer Tram Anh during her recent trip to this site.

The Dai Lanh Cape is the easternmost point of mainland Viet Nam which is the first place to see sunrise in the country.
The Dai Lanh Cape is the easternmost point of mainland Viet Nam which is the first place to see sunrise in the country.
The Dai Lanh Cape is a branch of Truong Son mountain range protruding into the sea. It was called Cap Varella after a French general who discovered the site and marked it on the territorial map in the late nineteenth century.
The Dai Lanh Cape is a branch of Truong Son mountain range protruding into the sea. It was called Cap Varella after a French general who discovered the site and marked it on the territorial map in the late nineteenth century.
The Dai Lanh Lighthouse provides a wonderful setting for watching the dawn breaking.
The Dai Lanh Lighthouse provides a wonderful setting for watching the dawn breaking.
The site is famous for its majestic natural landscape
The site is famous for its majestic natural landscape
A female tourist taking a gorgeous photo with the first sunrise in the Dai Lanh Cape
A female tourist taking a gorgeous photo with the first sunrise in the Dai Lanh Cape

By TRAM ANH - Translated by MAI DUNG
