Sunday, 30/3/2025 16:50 [GMT+7]
Da Nang 24 - 31 ºC

Explore Tet Fair in the city

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 13, 2020, 11:04 [GMT+7]

The Tet Fair to welcome in the forthcoming Tet Festival 2020 took place at the Museum of Da Nang, at 24 Tran Phu, last weekends.

The event aimed to preserve the special traditional cultural values, and to create meaningful experiences for both locals and visitors arriving in the city, especially children.

Let’s have a look at amazing photos from this interesting event, which are captured by our freelance photographer Khoi Nguyen.

Traditional Tet fairs have been deeply rooted in many generations as they vividly reflex features of the people's cultural and spiritual life. Visiting such a meaningful year-end event is not only for shopping, but it also offers a chance to enjoy spring ambience.
Traditional Tet fairs have been deeply rooted in many generations as they vividly reflex features of the people's cultural and spiritual life. Visiting such a meaningful year-end event is not only for shopping, but it also offers a chance to enjoy spring ambience.
Children and their parents visiting the old Tet space.
Children and their parents visiting the old Tet space.
A calligrapher doing calligraphy at the Fair
A calligrapher doing calligraphy at the Fair
Kids painting colour on their plaster statues
Kids painting colour on their plaster statues
Child visitors learning how to make betel nuts
Child visitors learning how to make betel nuts
Colourful  'To he' - traditional rice powder figurines.
Colourful 'To he' - traditional rice powder figurines.
Children learning how to make ‘banh chung’ (square glutinous rice cake) under the guidance of experienced artisans
Children learning how to make ‘banh chung’ (square glutinous rice cake) under the guidance of experienced artisans
A boy playing ‘o an quan’ game (mandarin square capturing)
A boy playing ‘o an quan’ game (mandarin square capturing)
Peach blossoms
Peach blossoms
One sale at the two-day fair were specialities of Da Nang and the neighbouring province of Quang Nam, including Nam O fish sauce, and Mrs Lieu Kho Me (sesame cake), Tuy Loan rice paper, traditional cakes, and 'li xi' envelopes.
One sale at the two-day fair were specialities of Da Nang and the neighbouring province of Quang Nam, including Nam O fish sauce, and Mrs Lieu Kho Me (sesame cake), Tuy Loan rice paper, traditional cakes, and 'li xi' envelopes.

By KHOI NGUYEN - Translated by MAI DUNG
