
Da Nang puts on new coat to welcome Lunar New Year 2024

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 07, 2024, 12:46 [GMT+7]
In recent days, Da Nang’s streets have been adorned with Vietnamese national flags, colourful flowers, banners, panels, and slogans to welcome in Lunar New Year (Tet) 2024.
Major streets in Da Nang enter the days leading up to Tet in beautiful sunny weather. IN PHOTO: A corner of Da Nang's central urban area with the main highlight bearing the image of the year's mascot - Dragon Bridge.
Major streets in Da Nang enter the days leading up to Tet in beautiful sunny weather. IN PHOTO: A corner of Da Nang's inner city with the main highlight bearing the image of the year's mascot - Dragon Bridge.
The colourful space of Tet flower streets features miniature scenes of the Dragon mascot and colourful flowers along both banks of the Han River.
The colourful space of Tet flower streets features miniature scenes of the Dragon mascot and colourful flowers along both banks of the Han River.
The Dragon mascot symbol on the western bank of the Dragon Bridge can breathe fire, creating a new impression for both locals and tourists.
The Dragon mascot symbol on the western bank of the Dragon Bridge can breathe fire, creating a new impression for both locals and tourists.
The Dragon mascot installed at the flower garden in Nam Duong Ward, Hai Chau District, was created by artist Dinh Van Tam from Quang Tri - who is famous for his lively zodiac animal mascot statues.
The Dragon mascot installed at the flower garden in Nam Duong Ward, Hai Chau District, was created by artist Dinh Van Tam from Quang Tri - who is famous for his lively zodiac animal mascot statues.
An image of a stylised Dragon opposite the Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture
An image of a stylised Dragon opposite the Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture
Major streets are decorated with flags and flowers
Major streets are decorated with flags and flowers, along with ...
... Vietnamese national flags, banners, panels, and slogans.
... banners, panels, and slogans.
Four-sided publicity boxes to welcome in Lunar New Year of the Dragon are installed in front of the Da Nang Administration Center.
Four-sided publicity boxes to welcome in Lunar New Year of the Dragon are installed in front of the Da Nang Administration Center.
A Lunar New Year check-in space serves residents and tourists at the East Sea Park in Son Tra District
A Lunar New Year check-in space serves residents and tourists at the East Sea Park in Son Tra District
Red flags with yellow stars, and the Party's hammer and sickle flags, fly on every street corner
Red flags with yellow stars, and the Party's hammer and sickle flags, fly on every street corner
National flags, and other colourful flags, have been colouring local alleys
National flags, and other colourful flags, have been colouring local alleys
People eagerly pour into major streets to welcome in the new spring
People eagerly pour into major streets to welcome in the new spring
A new lunar year hopes to bring much joy and prosperity to Da Nang.
A new lunar year hopes to bring much joy and prosperity to Da Nang.

Reporting by XUAN SON - Translating by M.DUNG
