
Anchovy drying season in Phu Yen

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 01, 2024, 11:29 [GMT+7]

With a coastline stretching nearly 190 km, Phu Yen is renowned in the South Central Coast region for its abundant anchovy resources. Anchovies are an integral part of the lives and economy of the local people. Visiting Hon Yen, An Hoa Commune, Tuy An District during the anchovy season, the scenery, already picturesque, becomes even more impressive with the beauty of labour.

Let’s immerse yourself in the bustling anchovy drying season through a series of photos by author An Dy from Da Nang.

The anchovy season in Phu Yen typically starts from April to August.
The anchovy season in Phu Yen typically starts from April to August.
The anchovy drying profession involves several steps such as sorting, washing, steaming, and then sun-drying.
The anchovy drying profession involves several steps such as sorting, washing, steaming, and then sun-drying.
The anchovy drying profession involves several steps such as sorting, washing, steaming, and then sun-drying.
The anchovy drying profession involves several steps such as sorting, washing, steaming, and then sun-drying.
Batches of fish are spread evenly on mesh trays and dried under the scorching sun. During the drying process, the fish must be continuously turned to ensure even drying, whiteness, and fragrance.
Batches of fish are spread evenly on mesh trays and dried under the scorching sun. During the drying process, the fish must be continuously turned to ensure even drying, whiteness, and fragrance.
On average, people dry 3 tonnes of fresh fish and collect one tonne of dried fish.
On average, people dry 3 tonnes of fresh fish and collect one tonne of dried fish.
Phu Yen-branded dried anchovies are a specialty loved by numerous tourists and distributed to various provinces and cities nationwide.
Phu Yen-branded dried anchovies are a specialty loved by numerous tourists and distributed to various provinces and cities nationwide.

Reporting by DNO - Translating by TRUC VY
