
Bulgarian President's visit expected to foster ties with Viet Nam

Published: October 26, 2013

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev will visit Viet Nam from October 27-31 to affirm the country’s desire to foster the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Viet Nam.

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev (Source: novinite.com)
Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev (Source: novinite.com)

During the official visit, which will be made at the invitation of President Truong Tan Sang, the two sides will discuss the launching of new economic cooperation, as well as international and regional issues of mutual concern.

During their 60-plus years of bilateral ties which started in 1950, Viet Nam and Bulgaria have enjoyed sound political relations. Bulgaria was among the first countries to set up diplomatic relations with Viet Nam , commencing the long-lasting ties between the two nations.

Bulgaria gave Viet Nam precious spiritual and material support in its past struggle for national independence. In recent meetings, senior Bulgarian leaders expressed their hope to upgrade the bilateral ties with Viet Nam to a strategic partnership. The two sides have also increased the number of meetings and exchanges among high-ranking leaders of both countries.

Viet Nam and Bulgaria also coordinate closely at international and regional forums. Bulgaria backed Viet Nam ’s entry into the World Trade Organisation and the country’s bid to join a number of international organisations including the United Nations Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council.

Viet Nam supported Bulgaria ’s nomination for a seat at the UN Economic and Social Council and Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission, and the Director-General post at UNESCO and Judge of the International Court of Justice.

Economic and trade ties between the two countries have seen positive development with trade reaching 70-80 million USD per year.

In June 2012, the two countries successfully organised the 22nd meeting of the Viet Nam-Bulgaria Inter-Governmental Committee.

Bulgaria now has seven FDI projects in Viet Nam with a total capital of about 30 million USD.

The two sides have also implemented a programme in educational cooperation for the 2012-2016 period.

In terms of culture, the two countries have defined a new period of cooperation with a focus on heritage preservation and historical relic restoration in Viet Nam .

Today, more than 1,000 Vietnamese people are living and working in Bulgaria , which is considered a favourable condition for strengthening bilateral ties.

(Source: VNA)
