
Promoting bilateral solidarity and friendship with Laos

Published: August 14, 2014

On Tuesday, the Da Nang Military Command warmly received a group of high-ranking officers from the General Political Department of the Lao People's Army, led by the Department’s chairman, Major General Khamphong. 

On behalf of the local military officers and men, Col Nguyen Thanh Hoang, the Political Commissar of the Military Command, briefed his guests on the city’s remarkable achievements in socio-economic development, defence and security over recent years.

Major General Khamphong took the opportunity to thank the military force and the people of Viet Nam, especially the Military Zone 5 High Command and its unit members, for their active support for 4 southern provinces of Laos during the past 2 resistance wars.  The Laotian officer also spoke highly of the great efforts made by the city’s authorities to boost bilateral cooperation, in terms of the economy and defence, which had helped to make their armed forces stronger.  In addition, he said he hoped that the bilateral friendship and special solidarity between Laos and Viet Nam, and between their armed forces in particular, would be further deepened and strengthened.
