
New Zealand cultural activities to be held next year

Published: September 09, 2014

During his meeting on Monday afternoon with the Vice Chairman of Da Nang People’s Committee, Mr Nguyen Xuan Anh, the New Zealand Deputy Ambassador in Ha Noi, Mr Robbie Taylor, said that he was very impressed by the city's rapid growth over recent years as well as its amazing beauty.

Mr Taylor announced that various cultural activities will be held in Da Nang during 2015 to mark the 40th anniversary of Viet Nam-New Zealand diplomatic ties.  These, he added, would help to consolidate and tighten the bilateral cooperative relationship between New Zealand and Da Nang, as well as with Viet Nam as a whole.

Deputy Ambassador Taylor and Vice Chairman Anh
Deputy Ambassador Taylor and Vice Chairman Anh

Vice Chairman Anh briefed his guest on the future strategic orientations for the development of his city, with a focus on local spearhead economic sectors.  He asked the Deputy Ambassador to do his utmost to boost the bilateral cooperative relationships in education, health, culture, commerce and tourism.  He said that he would like the New Zealand government to provide support for training high-quality human resources for the city, as well as grant more scholarships for Da Nang students to study and do research in New Zealand.
