
City leaders visit Wat That Pagoda in Laos

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 30, 2019, 16:40 [GMT+7]

As part of his ongoing working trip to southern and central localities of Laos, Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Truong Quang Nghia visited the Wat That Pagoda in Laos on Sunday.

Secretary Nghia (1st right) meeting with Laotian Buddhist followers at the Wat That Pagoda
Secretary Nghia (1st right) meeting with Laotian Buddhist followers at the Wat That Pagoda

He was accompanied by municipal People's Council Vice Chairman Le Minh Trung and People’s Committee Vice Chairman Tran Van Mien, plus leaders of the city’s governments and agencies.

About 10km from the centre of the Attapeu Town, the Wat That Pagoda was built in the 14th century. It is the place of worship for King Say Setthathirath who had great contributions to moving the Laotian capital from Luang Phrabang Province to Vientiane City. The late King played a vital role in restoring many religious works.

In 2013, the Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group and the Bank for Investment and Development of Viet Nam refurbished the Wat That Pagoda under the permission of the Lao government and the Attapeu Town authorities. The intention of the refurbishment work was to express their admiration and respect for the King Say Setthathirath. The about 2.1 million USD project was completed in late 2014.
